
155 5 2

Edited 8/15/22

1. Thanos was killed by Loki after he snapped in Infinity War. Loki didn't die, because he created an illusion of himself and he had the element of surprise when killing Thanos (he was just too late to stop him from snapping).

2. Tony and Natasha are still alive. They didn't need to sacrifice themselves, because they still had the stones from after Thanos snapped.

3. Wanda and Vision were never together.

4. Wanda mind controlled Westview because she wanted a peaceful life with Stephen and Anna; a normal family. She mind controlled Stephen and Anna, but Stephen then eventually broke free of her control.

5. Stephen lost the title Sorcerer Supreme when he abandoned his duties under Wanda's mind control.

6. Wanda was aware of the mind control, but her intention wasn't to hurt people. She only wanted to live out a normal life with her partners and didn't see another way to do so. Stephen and Anna did eventually forgive her.

7. Wanda was drawn to the dark hold and possessed it without Stephen and Anna realizing it.

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