London Bridges

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Lonny stared out of the bus window, his eyes filled with wander. He was in England. This was the first show he has ever played outside of North America. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure it was real.

"You excited?" Sage asked with a laugh. Lonny just nodded still looking out the window as they drove across the Tower Bridge. "This is so cool!" Lonny said with so much excitement it was palpable.

Andy was smiling so hard it made his cheeks hurt. He had been to England so many times over the years, it lost its luster and excitement, but experiencing it with Lonny was wonderful.

It didn't take long to get to the venue at all. The bus parked at the back of the venue, and the band and crew filed out. "Okay, we have a few hours to kill until sound check, so have fun." Frank said, waving everyone off.

"What are you going to do?" Lonny asked Andy, turning to face him.

"I didn't really have anything planned. You?" Andy replied, scrolling through emails.

"I was going to go explore a little... do you want to come with me?" There was a hint of hope in the question. He knew Andy was more of a homebody, but he still wanted to ask.

"No I'm-." Andy paused for a moment, looking at the younger man for a moment. He had seen every part of London that was worth seeing a dozen times over...

But not with Lonny.

"You know what? Sure. A walk sounds really nice." Andy said, sliding his phone back into his pocket. He enjoyed spending time with the guitarist, and his excitement for the city was already so infectious. He slid on a pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap that had been in his hand. It was an overdone trick to try and avoid being recognized, but Andy wasn't in the mood for it today so he was going to at least try to look inconspicuous.

Lonny's eyes brightened at this and he nodded. He didn't want to admit how happy that made him, but the prospect of spending his first day in London exploring the city with Andy sounded perfect. The two started walking down the street, Andy making sure to look at street names so they would be able to find their way back easily. Worse comes to worse they could call an Uber if they got lost.

Andy has been in London so man times that he didn't think that would he necessary. He could find his way around the city pretty well. Andy pulled his coat around himself a bit tighter. Despite it being summer time, it was barely sixty degrees Fahrenheit out, and the singer had been spoiled by LA weather.

Lonny was like a kid at Disneyland as they made their way down the cobblestone street. The venue was close to the Tower Bridge that they had just driven over, so they walked towards it. "This is amazing!" Lonny said in awe.

Andy smiled, watching Lonny as Lonny looked at the view. "Do you want to check out some shops? There's a few near by that we can go to." Andy offered.

"Yes absolutely." Lonny nodded profusely, gesturing for Andy to lead the way. Andy laughed at the younger man's enthusiasm, and led him down the street. He stayed by his side so he could watch his reactions as they passed incredibly old buildings.

"London is so beautiful." Lonny said, looking around. This was one of the most amazing things he's ever experienced in his life. "It is I suppose." Andy nodded in agreement. He hadn't really paid attention to the city in so long. It was just another stop on a long tour, nothing more.

They walked into an antique store on the corner. Andy had went there once with Chris. The little store reminded him of his dear, late friend. He hadn't been there since Chris died.

Lonny walked through the cramped aisles aimlessly. He loved stuff like this, it always made him happy. He picked up a strange looking lamp and turned it over to look at the price, grimacing before he sat it back down. Andy snorted at this, shaking his head in amusement as he leaned against the shelf next to him. "How much?" He asked.

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