The Land Of Sweets 🍭🍬

Start from the beginning

As Fakir walked on forward with the journey she had became very weary with an occasional sneeze from time to time. Ahiru smiled when a town came to veiw! It was the festive of the holidays!

Fakir had walked to a house and knocked on it to be greeted by a man who appeared to be married. The man gasped as he looked at Ahiru's Pale face. Quickly bringing them inside.

He called for his wife as she scurried over and led the two to the living room that was little up with Christmas decorations. Fakir seemed to be exhausted by this terrible! Ahiru never meant to make him this weary!

She frowned softly upon herself as she was gently placed down. The young maiden gave Ahiru a warm blanket in which she thanked her for before the wife went off to finish making dinner.

She walked by fakir wrapping the blanket over herself. The kind man smiled and told  them  they could stay the night after hearing their explanation. How generous he was! Ahiru graciously thanked him before turning around to see Fakir speaking to a young child.

She smiled softly at the adorable it was! He was wearing a gingerbread onesie as he held Beautiful brown hair! Such an adorable child! Especially when Fakir was telling him such amazing stories that were filled with pride.

Ahiru loved it when Fakir seemed so true compared to other people she has met..not all honest as he is. G-Gah! What is she saying such nonsense things! She must be really sick if she's thinking such thoughts!

"My, who knew we'd meet a hero and his wife-,"

Ahiru almost died at that moment- her face grew a bright crimson red and tripped over her blanket and fell face first agianst the floor. Ah silly silly Ahiru. Shuch a flustered thing!

"N-No! You got it wrong! She's just an acquaintance is all.."

For some reason that made her sad..she didn't understand it just hurt her chest. She payed no head to it though! She wouldn't let it! She had i-important matters to attend to anyways!

After a while Ahiru sat down thanking the man for bringing her dinner. She looked at the food not realizing how hungry she really was began scarfing down her food like a beast! Oh how hungry she was! Enough to concern the husband and wife! Heck even the nutcracker!

She looked up at Fakir feeling sympathetic for the fact he couldn't eat..she wondered if there was anyways she could help him! And if there was a way she would try! Shed have to!


Little Ahiru yawned tiredly looking at the nutcracker smiling lazily.

The nutcracker heard a small, soft yawn emitting from the girl before seeing her fall fast asleep.. The nutcracker would little by little, scoot himself away from Ahiru, off the couch before he rose up. Fixing his uniform, Fakir went over as he gently fixed the blanket on her to keep her all bundled up. After all, she could get sick if not staying warm! Fakir felt himself slowly start to smile before quickly he frowns stopping himself. Stop Fakir! She’s probably already engaged.. After all, women her age back then already were engaged.. Fakir didn’t deserve her.. He’s just—.. A Nutcracker.. Nothing more than that..

Hours have soon passed, as dawn finally came! The soft sunlight finally came out of hiding as the clouds finally came out as well! It was quite beautiful, the sky was a soft orange blended with some pink and yellow, as the clouds were cotton white. A beautiful time of day it was!

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