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                        *𝐘/𝐍'𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐕*

"I'm bored." Stated F/N,"Then why don't you watch something?"I answered back to engrossed in my book."Like what?"Questioned F/N.
"I don't know?Theres a movie people are talking about maybe watch that?."
I replied to them."Well what was it called?"F/N started scrolling through movies on Cinema Tv.

"I think it was 'The Blue Phone'?"I told them."Theres No movie named that,Theres only one called The black Phone."F/N gave me a look that said 'really.'
"Well then thats the one."I stared at her and went back to reading my book.

The movie started but then paused causing me to look up from my book.
"Why aren't you watching."They Gave me a death stare.
"Because,Im reading my book."I responded raising an eye-brow.
"What is so intresting about 'The murder files'?"That made me stop reading and death stare them.
"What?"They raised an eye-brow at me back.

"Whats so important about it?Im learning about Murders and crimes,Im learning history."I inched closer to them as i said every sentance.
"Well what one are you reading about?"They said moving back as i did the same.

"Im reading about 'The death of Innocence.'"I responded.
"which ones that?"They raised another eye brow."Jonbenét Ramsey."i replied back to them.
"Ah,Okay."I went back to reading when the book was snatched away from my hands.
"Hey!"I tryed getting it back.
"No watch the film."They threw my book near them as i gave in.
"fine!"I huffed and turned to the tv.

                        *F/N'S POV*

I turned to ask Y/N a question only to see her alseep.
i started to get bored and turned off the movie grabbing My laptop I turned on my browser and Went on omegle, I put in a few words like:tiktok,Tbh,Theblackphone.
I watched as i clicked the start button and a boy came on my screen he looked the same age as me and we started talking.
The boy soon had to go And we exchanged our snapchats to talk more.
A Person did a jumpscare on their webcam which caused me to to yell and hit Y/N which made her wake up.

                      *Y/N'S POV*
"Ow! what the fuck?"i sat up rubbing my leg where F/N had hit.
"Sorry Y/N someone had a jumpscare on their webcam and i Got a bit suprised.."They Gave me the puppy dog eyes. "Forgive me?"
"Fine."i rolled my eyes with a smile.
"Im gunna go make some Toast with jam,Want any?"i asked standing up.
"Oh no thanks! Don't make a mess of my kitchen."They gave me a stern look.
"I wont i promise!"I held my Hands up defensivly,I went to the bathroom,used it and then washed my hands and went into their kitchen,Starting to make some toast i grabbed the bread from the fridge and the jam aswell.
I put the Bread in the Toaster and Got a knife out the drawer to spread the jam on it.

I turned around bored as i then caught a glimpse of a Snowglobe, It had a house in it Except it looked a bit like a mansion or a castle,I started shaking it and soon forgot about the toast to focused on the snowglobe.
I heared F/N let out a scream and i ran in the room only to trip on the carpet and somehow managed to keep the snowglobe safe as i fell over with a yelp.
I heared F/N start to fall off the sofa as i heared a few boys laughing as well as a  Young girl laugh.

I sat up rubbing my head,
"ow,Why did you scream?"I asked them sending a glare instantly forgetting about the people on their screen.
"Because of who im talking to..
Wait why do you have my snowglobe?"They raised a brow at me as the people on the screen where listening to us and chuckling.
"Oh uh,I got distracted.."I told them.
"What about your toast?"They gave me a stern look.
"OH i forgot!" I threw the snowglobe at them which they then yelled at me as they caught it as i raced out the room.
"Y/N!"They yelled which made the other people laugh more.

"SORRY!"i yelled back.
I continued making my toast as i heared F/N start talking more.
I saw a magazine on F/N's counter And i hoped on the counter reading it.
F/N walked in with their laptop and set it down on the counter next to me.
They stared at me before taking the magazine.
"Y/N,What happend to your toast?"They asked raising a brow."Oh i think i got distracted again."I stated going back to making it.
"Does your freind get distracted alot?"I heard a boy start laughing,He had a nice voice.
"No i don't."I said looking up at the screen to see who said it and it was a boy with past the shoulder black hair,He looks cute i thought.
"Y/N don't lie."F/N started laughing.
"Im so not lying."I told them.
"Oh yeah really try stay focused without a book infront of u for 5 minutes,winner gets £5,Deal or?"
They said holding out their hand i shook it."Deal."I got off the counter going back to my toast.

I stopped halfway and walked away as F/N was still talking to the others As they asked them questions.
"Where's Y/N going?"The One i learned was called Miguel asked.
"I do Not know,Y/N."F/N called for me i walked in.
"What?"i raised a brow.
"What are you doing?Miguel wants to know."They turned the screen to me.
"Oh im getting the snowglobe."i told him with a smile.
"Aren't u Making toast?"Madeline said.
"Oh, i forgot."I said walking back to the counter.
"Y/N ill do that,Go get your purse."F/N told me shaking their head taking the knife out of my hands.
"Why?"I questioned them.
"So you can Give me 5 quid?"They raised a brow at me.
"Why would i do that?"i questioned again.
"Because u got distracted again so go get me my money."They turned me around to face where my bag was i let out a huff and went to My Purse.
I went back to the table where F/N had set The  Laptop to be facing the whole kitchen.
I Opened my purse and dropped everything out of it as i watched a penny fall out of it,aswell as a Fiver.
I gave F/N the fiver as they put it in their bag.
"Great now i only have 2p."I told them as i held it up F/N toke that aswell and put it in their purse.
"Well,Now you have nothing."Tristan said laughing.
"Yes now im poor than- oo when did u go on holiday?"I held the magnet up at F/N as they just Laughed at me.

Hey!I hope yall enjoyed this,If it seems cringey let me know cause i want yall happy reading this!
I hope you enjoy this i was going to use She/Her pronouns for F/N but then i remembered that some people have freinds that use He/Him or they/them so i made sure i used they/them ones, I think i accidently may have said her sometimes but i tried to get rid of that,If anyone finds any bits that say that let me know!


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