"Hey... you can't go in yet. I know you want to burst in there—believe me, I do too—but it's too early."

I shoved his hands off me because I didn't want to hear it. I then pushed past to get to the door but the Angelos in the van had blocked me. "Get the fuck out of my way," I told them.

"He's right. It's too early."

I frowned at the blonde, scoffing as she sided with Finn. "Did you not hear her?! You heard that explosion. It might've come from in there or not, but if it wasn't them, the fucking Infernos are going to think something is up. Any minute they are going to spot ten to fifteen vans and then it'll be too late," I explained. I turned back to the Angelos. "So get out of my damn way. I'm not going to ask you again!"

To explain what happened next would be hard. I was close to killing them. All of a sudden, my gun was raised and my thumb was over the trigger. Their guns were pointed right back at me, but then Eileen ordered them to move. They folded.

When they stepped aside and allowed me to leave, I rushed out. I quickly hopped out the back of the van, but then Finn grabbed me by the shirt as he went after me.

He pushed me against the side of the van and I shoved him in return. "The fuck!" I shouted. "I need to fucking go! She needs me, Finn. She needs me!"

Even with the force of my shove, Finn came right back to grab a hold of my shoulders. He was panting. "Listen to me first!"

I stopped myself from shoving him again and I looked at him.

"You go in there, but you find her and bring her back. Don't do anything stupid, you got that?" Finn said, using his pointer finger to get me to understand his every word. "I'm sending the Angelos in as soon as I hear nothing from you."

I heaved a sigh and I looked elsewhere. "But... if I don't find her," I began. "You find her for me. You tell her it's all okay and you take her back to the safe house. Don't worry about me."


"I fucking mean it, Finn. Don't worry about me. You keep her safe and you put her first. You owe me that... as my fucking brother, you owe me that." I swallowed the itch in my throat and I looked at him again.

Finn looked down this time. Finally, he then nodded. He had let go of his hold on me and that's when I ran. I ran as fast as I could and the mile distance hadn't worn me out. By the time I had been approaching the warehouse, I loaded my gun all while remaining vigilant of my surroundings.

Two Infernos guarded an entrance, but over a cigarette and a chat. I didn't recognize them. Members were recruited daily for no other reason but to create a fucking army. I walked up to them because nothing was going to stop me from getting in.

"Who the fuck are you?" One of them asked, leaning off the wall to intimidate me.

"Oh, shit," the other said, smacking a hand against the first one's chest. "Pierce?"

I despised hearing my given nickname when I ran with the Infernos. It only brought back the shame of the shit I was involved in. I then remembered Pierce is supposed to be dead. Having one of these fucks spread the news that I'm not dead but here wouldn't help. I lifted my gun while still approaching them. I fired, taking both of them out, and maybe I'd feel remorse if my Elle wasn't in trouble.

I stepped over the bodies and entered the warehouse while pushing through the door. I stood in place for only a second as I looked around the familiarity.

I raised my gun again when the place was too fucking quiet and empty. I suspected all the other Infernos were elsewhere. My heart, loud in my chest, feared that maybe she wasn't here anymore.

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