last day before halloween

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You and Judd walk into school looking like this

(They were aloud to wear costumes)But that's not all after they walked in two of Judds racoons followed after you two and because Mathew cane up and did and interview "well look at this spicy couple who might you be?" You picked up bonny the racoo...

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(They were aloud to wear costumes)
But that's not all after they walked in two of Judds racoons followed after you two and because Mathew cane up and did and interview "well look at this spicy couple who might you be?" You picked up bonny the racoon and Judd picked up Clive the racoon "were bonny"and Clyde" Mathew walked off to see some other couple when you and Judd put the racoons down and they ran back to Judds house "ugh I Don't blame them I wanna get out of here" Judd grabbed your hand and pulled you into his hip and kissed you after the kiss he didn't say anything because the announcement went off "HELLO ALL STUDENTS PLEASE GO TO THE THEATRE YOU WILL BE SPENDING THE DAY IN THERE THERE ARE GAMES AND PHOTO BOOTHES AND MUCH MORE SO HAVE FUN *click*" you both walked into the theatre and sat on a bean bag "ugh thank god we don't have to do work today because I was not feeling it." You and Judd sat on the bean bag when some random scary monster actor came up to you and Judd and did this

Y/N stared at the actor "was that meant to be scary I'm not 5." Judd got up "oh well I'm gonna get a drink you want one?" Judd asked "no I got some" you pulled a tiny jack Daniels bottle out of your secret pocket in your skirt just then the announcement went off again "HELLO ALL STUDENTS YOU ARE FREE TO GO HOME RIGHT NOW AS NONE OF THE TEACHERS ARE HERE *click*" Judd turned around from the refreshments table and met your eyes Judd ran towards you "Y/N were going home BYE YOU SONS OF BITCHES!" Judd picked you up and threw you over his shoulder fireman style and ran out of the hall while people where yelling and throwing stuff Judd got to his car "QUICK Y/N GET IN!" when you got inside Judd shut the car door and went off when you got back to Judds House Daiane was outside "oh hey guys your home early!" Judd got of the car "yeah we got to leave early because no teachers were on the premises" Y/N said happily after that you walked into the house and saw elliot "oh hey Juddy wuddy and Y/NIE wenie your home early" Y/N stated at Judd "ya we are ok bye" you went upstairs to Judds room heshut the door he turned the TV on and put on a horror movie

You watched that movie and then another

And another

You stayed up all night watching horror movies

Judd birch X Female readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora