I've Got a Crush, it's Crushing Me

Start from the beginning

Andy chuckled, and nodded. "Trust me, this is easy compared to Warped tour." He replied. "I had a heatstroke during a show a few years back."

Lonny's eyes widened in alarm. "What?!" He gasped in horror. Andy laughed at this and nodded. "Yeah, wouldn't recommend it." Andy joked. "It was 2015 and I think we were somewhere in Arizona? It was hot as hell-even hotter than today- and I didn't drink nearly as much water as I should've and it ended with me blacking out on stage." The singer recalled with a shrug.

It was a bit more dramatic then that. Andy still remembered getting carried to the medical tent by his bodyguard after it happened.

"Jesus christ." Lonny winced sympathetically. He had been to Warped tour as a fan a few times, but it was always states on the border or in Canada itself the one year he got to attend. He couldn't imagine playing a show in that kind of heat-.
Well he was going to have to do it today he supposed.

"Yanni and Jon were so pissed at me. Jon threatened to call my mom." Andy laughed, thinking back to the small blond man scolding him in the medical tent while holding a phone with Amy's contact pulled up and ready to call her. This was nowhere near his first Warped tour, he knew better and everyone knew he did. He had just gotten busy and didn't think. A lame excuse, but sadly the only one he had for his lapse in judgment.

Lonny chuckled at this. He sadly hadn't had the honor of meeting Jon yet, but he's met Yanni and Yanni is terrifying so that tracked.

"Why did they get missed at you?" Lonny asked in amusement.

"Okay they weren't pissed pissed, they were just worried as hell and reacting because I had done three Warped tours at that point so I knew how important drinking water is." Andy explained and Lonny nodded in understanding. "Yeah that makes sense, I probably wouldn't be happy with you either if that happened."

"No worse than choking on a lozenge though." Andy added with a slight smile. Lonny groaned, dropping his head down. "Stop bringing that up." He pleaded, still mortified about that show.

Andy watched him with bright eyes and a mischievous smile. 'Don't do it.' He thought to himself, but the intrusive thought was going to win no matter how much he tried to fight it.

"Never." Andy sing songed, dumping the bottle of water over Lonny's head without warning.

Lonny gasped at the frigid water soaking his hair and upper half. Andy took off running, but the guitarist wasn't far behind. "You fucker!" Lonny yelled with a laugh. Andy cackled, running around the bus, and towards one of the empty trailers being used as a backstage for the shows that day.

Andy was a lot faster than Lonny gave him credit for. All that running he did to work out clearly made the difference. Seeing the older man so happy and care free made Lonny smile.

The singer had so much weight on his shoulders. He was always stressed about things and never seemed to get a break because he was the main guy. He was the one everyone went to because it was all his decision. This was one of the many reasons Andy missed being in a band, not everyone fell on his shoulders.

Andy stumbled slightly trying to avoid the ramp that lead into the trailer, but unfortunately for him, that was enough time for Lonny to catch up to him.

Andy let out a yelp as Lonny grabbed him by the waist, and lifted him off the ground with ease. "Put me down!" Andy laughed as Lonny hauled him into the trailer, sitting him down just to spin the singer around to face him and back him up against the wall. The two men were panting, smiles on their faces that were now very close.

"Jokes on you, that felt great." Lonny teased, poking Andy's side. The air was so thick from the heat, Lonny was having trouble breathing as Andy's body heat radiated off of him in waves, but he didn't want to pull away. He needed to stay this close to the older musician.

Andy merely grinned back. "Next time I'll go with coffee." He said with a nod. Obviously he would never do that, but he would still threaten it for his own amusement.

Lonny snorted, dropping his head down a little only to be made very aware of their close proximity when his forehead pressed into Andy's at the movement. A loose, wet curl pressed into the band of Andy's baseball cap, the water from it dripping down the bridge of the singer's nose and over his soft, pink lips.

Their eyes were glued on each other. Breaths mingling and chests brushing together with every inhale and inevitable exhale. Lonny realized in that moment that his arm had somehow found its way around Andy's waist and one of Andy's hands were resting on his bare chest, the other sat gingerly on his hip, his fingers tracing patterns into the bone.

Andy's hand slid up his chest, seemingly on its own, and rested on the back of Lonny's neck, fingers tangled in the damp curls. The guitarist's heart raced. Was this really about to happen? There was no way. Hearts raced, but the beats were in such tandem that Lonny couldn't tell where his began and where Andy's ended.

Their lips were a breath away from touching, all they needed to do was close the gap and-.

"Drew! Where the fuck are you?" Yanni called out, breaking the spell between the singer and the guitarist abruptly.

The two men jumped apart suddenly, trying to create as much distance between them as possible. "Back here, Yan!" Andy replied loud enough for his security guard to hear him. His face was tinged a bright red, but he would blame it on the heat if anyone were to ask.

"Dude, you have an interview in like ten minutes." Yanni said as he rounded the corner. He didn't seem to question what the two men were doing there, but that didn't stop the stress from brewing in Andy's mind.

"Fuck, I forgot about that, sorry." Andy said, still feeling off centered and shaken by what had almost happened.

"It's fine, just hurry up." Yanni said, gesturing for Andy to follow him. Andy trailed behind the older man, glancing at Lonny for only a moment before he dropped his gaze. He could deny this if Lonny ever said anything. He could probably find a way to explain it away and downplay it enough to where he could survive tour.

Maybe he was reading into it? Maybe he thought Lonny was going to lean in but he wasn't. He might have just imagined it. Friends could hug(that wasn't a hug, but don't tell Andy that) It's fine, this is fine. Andy did not have to deal with this. Not right now.

Lonny sat down on a gear box behind him. His breath still caught in his throat as he tried to clear his head. His skin felt like it was on fire and his head was going a million miles a second.

'Oh god I almost kissed him.' He thought in mild horror, unable to look at the singer as he disappeared around the corner.

He almost kissed Andy. His friend, his idol, his fucking boss. Lonny didn't know what to do. How was ge ever going to face Andy again?

It wasn't like it was just Lonny though, Andy absolutely started to lean in, but did that matter? What would have happened if they did kiss? How would that go? Did Andy want anything out of this? Lonny had feelings for Andy- god, did he have feelings for him- but that didn't mean Andy felt the same way.

Lonny wasn't sure if he could take it if he found out Andy only saw him as a quick lay. He didn't care if the singer just wanted to be friends, but the idea of being used made him sick. Lonny knew Andy wasn't like that, but the fear in him wanted to convince him otherwise.

He hated himself for falling so hard.


Yanni back at it again with the cock block. Sorry this one has taken a little longer. I've been sick for about two weeks and my energy is destroyed💀

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