Part Four:Freddy Busy

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*Mike: Cmooon cmooon one more houurrr!!!* *Freddy: Hehehe This story is GREAT :D* *Mike: Aren't you gonna get me?* *Freddy: Fazbear is busy!*

*BTW IM IN PC* *Mike: Okaayy....But.You Can't 'Read' My Doors? XD* *Freddy Growls* *Freddy goes away From mike* *Mike: Yeah That's right! B(BEEP) F*BEEP*In' Run away!* (I Know it has BEEPS because he is cursing that's why IM BEEPING IT XD Geddit? Ok i'll stop trying to be funny.) *Mike:Looks like Chica's Eating 'Pizza' For Her 'Pizza' Day! XD* *Chica Growls too* *Bonnie starts playing with his guitar* *Bonnie: Oooohhh yeaaahhhh~* *Mike: Hey Gonnie XD* *Bonnie Growls* *Mike: That'll get ri-* (Mike was cut off by the rest of the animatornics)

*Mike: OH NOPE NOPE ONPE ONHPONPGOPJIEOJFIEJFD (Too lazy to write "NOPE NOPE" XD)* (Mike Closes Both door)


*Mike: Finally! Im Out of this STUPIZZA (Stupid) Pizzeria* (Geddit? Stupizza? XD)

*Mike:I've Been waiting for thiiisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss............*

*All goes quite* *Mike: ...* *All: ....* *Mike: YOU KNOW WHAT NATURE!?*

*Nature: What?* *Mike: IM NATURING OUT OF HERE! XD* *Nature: ...Nat-* (WARNING: Those things im saying ISN'T REAL it's just made-up for a joke XP)

*Mike: Naturing means... IM F(beep)ING OUT OF HERE!*

*Me: Sorry im ending it because i have LOTS things to do.*

*Animatronics and Mike: You mean Doing nothing and being lazy? .-. (They said it together)*

*Me: No.* *All: Yes,You're lying.* *Me: Fine~* *Mike: Please don't forget to-*

*Me: Comment*

*Freddy: Follow.*

*Chica: Favourite*

*Bonnie: And...! We will see ya in the next part Bye!*

*You: Bye.* *Me: Bye (Y/N) < (Your name)*

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