quackity dog au

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It was a normal day and quackity was just walking down an allyway hoping to find some food in the trash and find someplace to sleep and then he saw it a pound worker coming straight for him he had no time to react and got taken to the pound you see quackity is no normal dog he's a hybrid.

"Shit...",quackity thought "this pound has more security then the last one" you see quackity has a record of escaping the pound and houses of his past "owners" that were abusive and would always beat him to half death to say he was a little famous with other dogs was an understatement but that would change soon (I don't know how adopting a dog works so bear with me here) he laid down and a few moments later he was looked and pointed out by two males one with a black hoodie with a flame on it in the middle and black pants with a bandana and the other one had a hoodie that had A colorful swirl on it with colors all over it (I know dogs can't see like us but he's a hybrid and he sees like a human ok?) He had some purple pants on it,both of them  had black shoes. "Hey sapnap?" "Yes Karl?" He said while looking at the dogs "can we get that dog?" Karl said pointing to quackity "let me see" sapnap said looking at the dog Karl was pointing at it was resting on a bed that looked uncomfortable "sure but let's see how they act first" "okay!" Karl said practically running to front desk and ringing the bell a "lady" came to the front desk "how may I help you?" We would like to see a dog's profile of how they act" "sure! Which one do you want to see? can you show me?" "Sure" sapnap went to the room where you look at the dogs with Karl and the "lady" (I put the lady with " " cuz I didn't want people to think that they just assumed her gender and I don't feel right just leaving it like that cuz I'm a girl originally but feel better being called non-binary and I take all pronouns) sapnap pointed to quackity who was now sleeping "oh,him,he doesn't have much information because he is known for Running away and so we didn't get much information so if want him I advise you to make sure you secure him safely in a room" "oh ok thanks for the warning" "so Karl do you still want him?" "Mhm!" "Ok let's sign the paperwork and bring him home" "let's gooo!" Sapnap just laughed at Karl "c'mon we need to sign the paperwork if you want him" "ok!"

*After they sign the paper work they know his name now*

They somehow got quackity in the cage without him waking up (😮 I know when I tryed that for my cat she killed my hands and arms)

*When they got home*
"so where are going to put him?" "How about we just wait till he wakes up?"
Quackity just woke up and as soon as he did he heard something...open?
Quackity saw the two man who he say at the pound
"Oh so I got adopted....great"
"Hi little guy"
I did a mad bark in exchange
"I am not little!"
I think he cought on and said
"Sorry your not little"
He laughed a little after
The other man just pet me and said "he doesn't look like what that "lady" said he did"
"Oh so she told them" I thought
"Well we need to get him stuff!"
The other just giggled and said
"Well let's go"
"What about quackity?"
"We bought a leash beforehand remember?" The one with the flame hoodie said "oh right!" The one with the fire hoodie put the leash it was blue i like blue so I didn't fight him I was going to run away soon so I don't get why they were buying stuff for me we went out side and we were walking to the store it wasn't that far so we didn't walk much but it was a little weird I was used to getting yelled and hit whenever I went out and it was weird that they let me in the store cuz where i used to live we were never aloud to go in the store or we would get hit by the workers and in this store we were aloud in I think the store was Walmart? Weird name we want to a section were there were toys and collars everywhere it was cool and the one with the swirl on his hoodie put some collars on the floor and told me to "pick" of course,I picked the blue one and the one with the flame grabbed something I couldn't see then he put the other collars back and got some toys and told me to "pick" again I picked two toys and he put the rest up and we went to the next Isle and told me to "pick a bed" I looked and chose a bed and they picked it up and we walked to the dog food and they got a few bags and we went to a cashier and checked out and they carried the bags to their house and took me off the leash and then the man with the flame on his hoodie said we should give him a bath getting a bottle of dog shampoo out as soon as I heard this I ran away and hid
After sapnap said that quackity ran away "well now we know not to say that around him" that made sapnap laugh and as soon as he stoped they both nodded and went to find him Karl the first floor,sapnap the second,quackity was hiding in a pile of cloths that were on the floor in a room the last time he had a bath he was almost drowned by his "owner"
Sapnap Was searching the top floor when he realized his door was open so he went in and closed the door thinking he was in there which he was he checked the closet and the bathroom there was one place he could only be he left the room and got Karl to check with him they both got closer to the pile of cloths and removed the closes and there he fur and all,quackity.karl picked him up and he didn't fight back surprisingly
*After that*
Quackity was mad at us but he was calmer after a while he went to the bed and laid down

*Time skip of a year brought to you by me*

Quackity got up and saw that the two men were up and were making breakfast and when they saw me enter the kitchen they got him soom food "you finally awake buddy?" I nodded he looked at the other man with wide eyes "you understand me!?" I nodded again "well that's cool" the other man said(sapnap) I realized that I messed up the last time I did that they immediately knew that I was a hybrid and I had to run away immediately "you think he's a hybrid?" My dog eyes widened and then they knew "can you turn human?" I slowly nodded and one said do you need clothes I nodded "no" ok can you do it I slowly walked backwards and transformed and the last time I transformed in to a dog was a while ago and I'll still have dog ears and a tail I transformed and that just looked at me and the one with a swirl hoodie ran to me and touched my ears "h-hey!" "Fluffy..." "Help me" "your not getting him off you for a while" he came over and hugged me "what's going on here" "nothing" "then can you let me go" "I will but Karl won't" "so that's his name Karl?" "Yep and I'm sapnap!" "Finally after a year I can know your names"

"Yeah finally..."

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