11 ~ its like The Rolling Stones said; you can't always get what you want

Start from the beginning

"Dude," Dustin looked at Eddie, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Most...metal...ever!" Null squealed.

"Oh my god!!" Eddie yelled, the three of them jumping and yelling in excitement.

Once they'd settled down, the group was back to back to back, prepared to fight from any direction. Both Eddie and Dustin had a spear in one hand and a shield in the other. Null had...well she just had her hands ready to create illusions.

Eventually the clawing and screeching came to a halt, which prompted Dustin to yell, "Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?"

"Shh!" Eddie insisted. "Is that really necessary?"

"They're on the roof," Null noted, hearing the waning of metal from the pressure of the lot of them. 

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit," Dustin whispered.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Null asked.

"Not the time," Dustin whispered hastily back.

The three inched closer to the more audible sounds, venturing to see where it was coming from. Upon closer inspection, they found a small vent in the ceiling. 

"They can't get in through there, can they?" Dustin asked. 

Just then, a bat head popped through the vent. 

"Guess that answers that," Null commented, creating an illusion that placed the 3 about 5 yards to the left of where they actually were, giving Eddie and Dustin a chance to attack from the angle the bats weren't expecting. 

Both Eddie and Dustin used audible battle cries and they stabbed their spears in the vent, slicing  flesh off the bats.

"Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!" Dustin cried, and the bats cried louder to drown him out. 

Eddie stepped away for a moment, evaluating a different approach.

"Eddie!" Dustin screamed. "I need you!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" Eddie yelled in response, picking up his shield he'd left on the ground when they started attacking the vent. He covered the vent successfully with the shield, the nails on the shield holding it in place. 

"Holy shit. Holy shit," Eddie breathed, surprised it actually worked.

"That was some...outside of the box thinking," Null offered. 

"Nice," Dustin added.

"Thanks," Eddie replied. He and Dustin high fived, and Null left a small kiss on Eddie's cheek.

"Are there other vents?" Dustin asked.

"Oh, shit," Eddie answered.

"Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit. Shit! Shit!" Dustin and Eddie murmured as they made his way to his bedroom. A flurry of demo bats, patiently waiting for company, swarmed them as they entered. They retreated quickly, slamming the door shut. 

"That's not gonna hold!" Dustin screamed.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Eddie yelled, prompting Dustin to start climbing the rope.

"Come on! Quickly!" Eddie yelled to Null, making her go first. 

"Eddie, come on!" Dustin and Null yelled from the normal world. Eddie dropped his shield and spear, starting to climb the rope. 

"Eddie, come on! Let's go!" They yelled again as the door from the upside down that was holding the demo bats in started to crack, capturing Eddie's attention. 

"Eddie, you're so close! Eddie! Let's go!" Dustin yelled, as Null watched, panicked. 

"Eddie," Null called, watching as he let go of the rope, their eyes meeting, allowing them to say all the words they wouldn't get to say. As soon as their gazes broke, Null immediately started climbing the rope, unwilling to let him sacrifice himself. 

"Eddie!" Dustin screamed. "What are you doing? Eddie, no!"

Eddie cut the rope as Null was almost all the way through. Her hands instinctively went out to the side, catching the ceiling she was trying to get through. She groaned at the amount of pressure that was now on her shoulders as she held herself up. 

"Eddie!" Dustin yelled, again. "Eddie, stop! Eddie, stop!"

"Let go!" Eddie pleaded. "Null, let go."

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