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When we got there, alot of boys were whistling and saying alot of comments like "hey hot stuff" or like "wanna come with me and I'll show you a good time".

Jack glared at them while Zach put a hand on my waist making me blush and have a shiver go up my spine, "next time listen to me" Jack said as we went back to the truck after getting three waters and three sodas.

After we went a couple of rounds and had every water and soda. We went home to wash up and then go to bed.

After I toke a shower and got changed into some jeans, a t-shirt with a truck on it, and my boots. I went outside without waking anyone up and yes I couldn't sleep so when I can't sleep I go and check on the animals and stay up the whole night.

When I got to the pasture where the broken horses were, I didn't see any of them and new where they might have gone to.

After I got my mare mustang, Star all saddled up and everything I grabbed my shotgun and a flash light and went to the mountains and woods where wolves, mountain lions, and bears lived and you didn't know when you'll run into one so you always have to watch your back.

When I was just about to get to the tree line of the woods I saw a pack of wolves looking at me and just standing there. 'That's odd' I thought but then realized that they were going to attack me and so I had Star run into the woods and loose them while they howled and growled in anger and chased us.

Zachs pov

I woke up to some howls from wolves and they sounded really close by, so I got dressed in some jeans, a button up shirt, and my boots along with my hat and went to the guest room where Sandy was staying until the Buch problem was solved.

When I got there I didn't see her in bed and also saw that the pasture with the broken horses were gone and so was the barns lights on.

I got the woke talkies that everyone had in the houses and in the pastures and barn just in case of help from another part or if it was a emergency. I turned it on and brought it to my mouth "everyone get up, we have to find Sandy and the broken horses are out and there's wolves near the ranch", I waited for a response but heard doors slamming shut and neighing from horses.

I ran out of the house and went to the barn to grab my stallion mustang, Fire and got him saddled up and waited outside for the rest of them to get there horses ready to go. "Alright, everyone ready to go find Sandy, the horses, and have shotguns to deal with the wolves?" I asked and everyone nodded before we went to the mountains and woods to find them and also watched our back for the animals that lived here.

I wasn't long until I heard growling and saw Star and Sandy. I got off Fire and got my shotgun from the holster on the saddle and went up behind the wolves before shooting on of the wolves and then another. When the others left and went deep into the woods I went up to Sandy and checked on her.

Sandys pov

After all the wolves left I saw Zach come up to me with a concerned look on his face. I got down from Star and ran up to him, meeting him half way and hugging him with my arms and legs around his waist and neck.

"You okay?" I nodded me head while he rubbed my back and put his head into my neck. "Yeah, I'm alright now" I felt him smile against my neck.

After we got done hugging we head back to the ranch and saw that everyone had the broken horses all back in the pasture. My dad came up to me along with my mom who had tears in there eyes "why did you go after them?" mom asked as she helped me down and then hugged me to death, "to get the horses back but ran into a wolf problem and Zach helped me".

Mom nodded and dad hugged Zach with a thank you before coming to me and hugging me with a big bear hug before letting me go. I smiled and told them that I'm going to hit the hay and headed to Zachs house and went to my room before changing into pj's and going to bed.

The next day wasn't so good since it was like a hundred degrees and we were all sweating from head to toe and weren't happy about it either.

"Who wants to go to the pond?" Taylor asked as we finished on the last hay bail.

We talked to my dad and he said yes so we all went to our houses and got changed into our swim wear. I wore my American flag bikini and went outside with shorts on and some boots.

"Y'all ready?" I asked and all the boys nodded and we went to the pond on four wheelers.

When we got there all the boys toke there shirts off and jumped in and I toke my shorts off before jumping in myself and swimming to the side and enjoying the cold water on my burning body. "Hey Sandy why don't you play a game with us?" I opened my eyes and looked at Jack who was smiling. "Sure why not".

I went over to them and sat next to Zach and Jack before looking at everyone, "okay what are we playing?" I asked and Jakc smirked "truth or dare" my eyes went wide and then I felt blush come up to my cheeks. Jack's smirk went even more wide and I just rolled my eyes.

"Alright, Sandy truth or dare?" Jack asked and looked at me "dare" I answered with confidence in my voice but then it faded with what I heard next "I dare you to kiss your crush on the lips, cheek, forehead, or nose". Part of me was happy he gave me options but the other part was freaking out. "O-okay".

I turned to Zach and kissed him on the lips and then pulled away before he could even say anything I got out of the water and went to my four wheeler and went home.

When I got home, I went and got changed and then laid down on my back and looked up at the ceiling before grabbing my phone and seeing who texted or called me. To my surprise it was Jack and he asked me what just happened and was it true that I liked him since I kissed him. I responded him with yes and I that I freaked out that he might not like me back or anything so I left the pond.

When he texted me that I left my shorts their I freaked out even more cause who knows who could get them and either keep or give them back to me. One person went to my mind and that was Zach but then a terrible thought came to my mind is that it could be Buch who brings me my shorts and does something to me.

When I went to the kitchen, that's when I realized that I wasn't in Zachs house but actually mine. 'I'm so dumb' I thought as I went to my living room but before I could even sit down. There was a knock on the door and I felt myself go stiff. I went to the window and looked out to see Zach their with my shorts in his hands.

I went over to the door and opened the door. "You forgot your shorts and also your soupose to be in my house not yours" I shook my head and toke my shorts and closed the door but he put his boot between the door and the frame.

I sighed and just went to my living room "look we need to talk about what happened at the pond" I shook my head again "we don't need to" I felt him sit next to me and put his hand on mine. "Look Zach I don't want to talk about it okay" I looked up at him and saw that he isn't going to leave it at that.

"Yes we need to talk about this" I nodded my head giving up and stand up before looking at him "okay?" I asked and he just looked at me "look if your not going to talk about it then leave" I pointed to the door but he didn't move. "Okay fine you really want to know?" I asked and he nodded.

"Okay well I like you and that kiss proved it and all!" I said before going to my room and slamming the door shut and locking it. I put my back to the door and slide down it while crying, knowing well that he doesn't like me.

I heard the front door close and I just broke down even more and grabbed my phone and called my mom. She answered after the first ring "yes sweetie?" I cried and told her everything while trying to calm down "okay Sandy breathe and calm down" "b-but I c-can't". I started to feel my chest become tight and realized that I was having a panic attack.

"Sandy? SANDY?!" mom yelled my name and I dropped my phone on the ground and feel to my side while trying my best to calm down.

I started to feel myself shake and also the front door slam open and running to my room. It slam opened and I heard my name being yelled by mom, dad, Jack, uncle Jacob, and Zach who looked worried and had quilt written over his face. "Sandy calm down and breathe please" I felt a hand on my cheek but my vision went blurry and the last person I saw was Zach calling my name and crying while saying something.

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