bruce: "as batman you have to know what is at you arsenal and how to use them"

As bruce pulls up a file of on the batsuit

bruce: "The batsuit is a walking arsenal in itself of the cowl of the suit has a two way radio as well as having different filters in the lenses of the cowl to show points of interest in the environment and as well as any living thing. moving further down the batsuit it is packing a pair of bat shaped retractable wings suitable for gliding from tall structures to give it more speed the suit also contains a pair of rocket jets on the sole of the boots. The suit also boosts the user's strength ten times their normal abilities. as well as firing smaller batarangs out of the fists of the suit"

Izuku: "that's a lot in one suit"

bruce smirks

bruce: "that's not all the suit has to other"

in surprise Izuku responds with

Izuku: "there's more"

bruce: "the batsuit is made to defend and endure the harshest conditions such as fire, electricity, ice, acid, radiation and blunt force. If the suit detects that the user is fully submerged in water a rebreather will automatically be placed over the user's mouth and nose. however the suit is not invulnerable it can endure these conditions but the suit does have a limit to how much it can take. Some of the additional features to the suit include microphones in the tips of the fingers which are used for listening through walls. The fingers of the suit can also be turned into talons capable of cutting through steel.

Izuku: "ok.ok that has to be all the suit can do right"

bruce: "no"

bruce: "the suit can also bend light making it nearly invisible but you can still be heard so use stealth. When you're in a sich waschen where your opponent is too close, if you press the button in the center of your belt the suit acts as a man sized taser. removing the belt buckle will make the buckle into a spinning blade. The suit can also have a magnetic field built into the boots allowing it to stick on metal surfaces.

Izuku was in complete disbelief when he first wore the suit he had no clue the suit could so much. He was amazed at what it could do.

Izuku: "so....what about the gadgets"

bruce: "you'll learn about them later for now we get you accustomed with the suit, combat and stealth to do this you'll be using a training simulation to mimic what you'll be doing on a typical night as batman.

He pressed a button on the computer and a projector created a blue ring in the center of the room. Izuku walks into the ring and a group of thugs appear out of nowhere and start attacking him. acting fast he ducked under the frist thugs punch coming up he uppercut him to the ground. Izuku kicked another thug away from him feeling cocky he started to mock them until a thug grabbed him from behind while Izuku was trying to get out of the thugs grip another thug ran up to him and punched him across the face causing the simulation to end.

Izuku: "oww*groans*that hurt"

bruce: "that's what happens when you get punched now get up and try again can't become batman laying on the ground"

With Izumi and her friends

Izumi and her friends were sitting in a cafe talking about whatever came to mind

katsumi: "Hey, Izumi is Izu-kun ok. you know after what happened two days ago"

Izumi: "it's hard to say...after he got offered that job by Mr wayne he just started ghosting everybody"

katsuki: "The nerds fine"

katsumi: "yeah izu-kun is probably just scared about the new job and doesn't want you to know about it"

Izuku Yagi: the batman beyondWhere stories live. Discover now