"Yo, (L/n). Enjoying yourself, I see." That disgusting smirk of his decorated his ugly face. He swayed the bag of my favourite junk food in front of my face before bringing it closer to his face.

"(F/junk food), huh. Seems delicious. I guess I will take a few bites." Kazama stated, his hand already rummaged in the junk food bag. I was utterly displeased by his rudeness.

I snatched back the junk food bag and secured it protectively in my hands. I glared at Kazama menacingly. "This is not yours. How about you use that money of yours to buy your own junk food? After all, you're loaded with cash. Surely, you can afford a cheap bag of chips."

"Huh? Why should I waste my money on measley chips? I can just take away that cheap food from peasants like you." Kazama argued.

I nodded my head understandingly "I see. Then, go and collect more of this cheap food from other workers. Too bad for you, I only have one with me right now."

"You are stinky as fuck. You can share a little bit of that junk food with your own colleagues?" Kazama started to sound more irritated. I simply ignored him and munched on my junk food.

Out of nowhere, Kazama whisked a kick on my hand roughly which forced me to let go of the junk food bag. The bag dropped on the floor and the chips scattered around. I stared at the food in heartbreak.

The stalker's gift... I wasted it.

I was disheartened. I really treasured this one because it was given by my stalker. But now it was wasted in vain. I felt nothing but guilt..

Kazama laughed mockingly at me. "That's what you got for being such a cheapskate, fucker." He spat his drool on the wasted junk food bag before strolling away from me. I just continuously stared at the junk food package.

Silently, I stood up on my two feet. I tailed behind Kazama without saying a word. When I walked past a co-worker's table, I grabbed her coffee cup -- still piping hot. "Oi, Kazama." I called out the name of my bully.

Kazama confusedly turned to face me. In an instant, I splashed the scorching hot coffee on his face. He let out a scream of agony then dropped on his knees. Some of our colleagues around us gasped in astonishment and began distancing themselves from us.


"I have had enough of your fucking bullshits, asshole."

I gave him many chances to redeem himself. He wasted each opportunity he obtained.

I have had enough of his craps. Time to teach him a little lesson.

Kazama shakily stood up back, his eyes hard with anger as he glared at me. "You stupid bitch!" He charged himself toward me and aimed to punch my face. I wasn't expecting him to resort to brutal violence so I didn't act quick.

Kazama landed a brutal punch on my face. I dropped on the floor before I began coughing. Clamping my mouth with my palm, I sensed thick liquid drenched my hand.

Shit. This asshole is a real lowlife. Now he dares to punch a woman.

Kazama didn't look satisfied. He clenched his fist tightly and attempted to punch me again before a bunch of our co-workers finally stepped forward to stop this madman. I just glared at him, getting back on my feet.

"Let me go! Let me fucking kill this bitch!" Kazama screamed madly at our colleagues. I readied myself in fighting stance again, beckoning him to land another attack.

"You ought to give more than that weak punch to kill me, you annoying bastard." I tried to induce Kazama to brawl with me. If I defeat him, I would be the happiest person living in this universe. I had been waiting for this day to arrive.

"(Y/n) (L/n)! Cease at once!"

Unfortunately, the fun was interrupted by our damn CEO-- Kazama's future father-in-law. I instantly fell into silence, my stomach churned.

The plus-sized man stood before Kazama and me. His eyes locked on my figure as he bore his dangerous gaze into my soul. I was speechless since I didn't want to add more fuel to the fire.

This isn't going to end well. If the CEO has showed up himself, this means I'm in a very deep shit.

"You insolent woman. How many times are you going to bother my future son-in-law?!" Mr.Shibusawa yelled at me furiously. I was taken aback by his accusation.

"Your so-called future son-in-law was the one who had been bothering me. Why are you shifting all the blames to the wrong person-"

"Silence! Stop acting like you're the victim here! You think I didn't know? Nishiki had told me how you kept seducing him and forcing him to leave my daughter!"


I was at loss for words. This accusation had gone out of hands. I shook my head, denying my boss' words.

"Sir, this accusation is all false. I never committed such unethical act-"

"Enough! I'm sick of your excuses! Keeping you here will only destroy my business! From today onwards, you're no longer needed here! Leave my company NOW!"

The absolute command and his fierce voice sent shivers down to my spine. I disagreed with his repulsive action. "Wait a minute. You can't just fire me without proper and thorough investigation. Why can't you just hear out my side of story first-"

"There is no need for that! I don't want to waste my time on pathetic failure like you! Now stop lollygagging and never show your face at my company EVER AGAIN!"

Once Mr.Shibusawa was done yelling at me, he went to assist his soon-to-be son-in-law. I hung my head low, clenching my palm into a tight fist. I chewed my bottom lip in frustration.

That's it. I fucked up my career.

Everything I had built during my period working here is gone in the blink of an eye.

God, what did I do to deserve this shitty life?

This story may seem slow-pacedbut trust me, it isn't

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This story may seem slow-paced
but trust me, it isn't. This is gonna
escalate real quick cuz Y/n is also
not right in the head. A little bit.



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Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo SanzuWhere stories live. Discover now