Chapter 16

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Brian set the pizza on the table, then turned to Amanda. She'd been quiet, too damned quiet all day. He caught her as she walked by to set the table.

He pulled her into his arms. She was more rigid than usual. "I missed you, Amanda. How about a hug?"

Her arms remained at her sides, and she looked beyond him. He was stymied. "What is it? Are you mad at me about something?'

"No, I am not mad."

"Then what is it?" He bent to look in her eyes. "You can at least give me a hug, cant you?"

She did as he asked, but it was a measly effort at best.Brian let his hands drift down her back, and realized suddenly that it was the first time he had ever done so. Her back was narrow her flesh firm, and her waist tampered in. His hands started to explore there but she pulled away. He touched her chin, seeking her eyes again. "What is it?"

"We need to talk." She peered up at him, her eyebrows lowered in a nervous frown, and she shook her head. "But later after we eat."

"Ah, intrigue. You don't have to work at keeping my interest, you know. I am already caught."

Amanda slapped a huge piece of pizza onto his plate, splattering tomato sauce over the table.

Brian raised his eyebrows. "You are entertaining, Amanda. When we don't have practice, I have nothing to look forward to at the end of the day. I think of you though."

Amanda stopped in the middle of pouring the wine. "Why?"

"What do you mean,why? I like you."

"But why Brian? What is it about me that you like?"

He considered her question with grave seriousness. She was being very sober. His answer obviously mattered a great deal to her. The first thing that came to his mind was her honestly. "I can trust you. You don't play games, and I don't think you would ever lie to me. You are straight forward and genuine, blunt to a fault. I have never known a woman like you before."

Amanda looked stricken, which wasn't the reaction he had expected. She crossed her arms over her chest and turned away. He walked up behind her and wrapped her in his arms, holding her close despite her stiffness. He still felt frustrated and angry over his mysterious phone call, and now with Amanda seeming so intent on separating herself from him, he actually felt needy. It wasn't a feeling he had enjoyed.

"Amanda talk to me. I don't like this. I am used to you giving me hell and making me laugh and then making me so hot I cant breath. I am not used to this silence, sweetheart."

She turned abruptly throwing her arms tight around him and he groaned in relief. His arms were around her middle and it registered rather abruptly that she was actually slim. She was wearing her usual basket ball clothes that consistent of baggy sweats, and since the day was cooler she was layered under several pieces. But his hands were stroking up and down her ribs, and it amazed him at how tiny her waist was.He pulled back shocked.

Amanda was watching him. "Don't even say it."

He was amused by her fierce expression. "What?"

"Whatever you were thinking, I am not stupid."

"No you are not stupid, but you are a big faker." His mouth twisted in a smile. "There is not an ounce of extra fat on you is there?"'

Amanda propped one hand on her hip in an arrogant stance. She glanced down meaningfully at her chest the implied message was very clear.

Brian choked back his laugh. " That is not fat sweetheart. That is the bonus of mother nature." Then his eyes slid over her and his amusement slowly disappeared. "I want to see you."

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