dr byun

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Sleeping in peace the little doctor wakes up at ticking of his clock he gets up at go to the washroom and start having his shower after done with his skin care he get him a cup of coffee and bacon with eggs

at a young age of 24 he had accomplished alot lives in a lavish apartment and is a psychologists has a nice car but love  is missing in his life
his friends have boyfriends but he is all alone he is too busy that's what he tells him self

upon reaching the hospital the nurse started gretting the beautiful doctor baekhyun was also a polite and gentle man once he was inside his office crackhead nurse came inside and hugged the life out of him "baekieee where have you been i was about to die from boredom you bitch " yelled chen "let  me go i can't  breathe "  baekhyun said while trying to pray the others arms off him

chen said  smiling like an idiot "so you know I went to club last night and met this handsome man he was so sexy oh god and you know we hooked up I wish you were there we kissed while he started to touch my ass and squeeze ۔ " "enough chen I don't want to know about you sex life" said baekhyun with redden cheeks " come on your so boring geez any way the chief told me to give you these files" chen told him while handing him some files

"what are these" said baekhyun while holding the files " your new patient i guess " replied chen

baekhyun looked through the files and saw a handsome boy

Name : Kim jonjin Age     : 20 occupation: University student mental health: not stable psychopath sadisam parents: Kim suho and Kim lay both ceo of sm entertainment crimes : killed and rape 6 women and 8 men

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Name : Kim jonjin
Age     : 20
occupation: University student
mental health: not stable psychopath sadisam
parents: Kim suho and Kim lay both ceo of sm entertainment
crimes : killed and rape 6 women and 8 men

"baek be carefull he's the most dangerous patient that you will be working will" remind chen

" don't worry about me I will be fine " said baekhyun but he still was kinda scared

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