"Can you go away for a couple of minutes?"

"Why? And miss the show?"

Luffy shot her a look and Nami laughed.

"I'm kidding."

Luffy turned away from her.

"Honestly, Luffy. I'm kidding." Nami smiled. "Come here."

She beckoned him closer but he refused.

"What if I get puke on you?"

"I don't mind."

He continued his refusal till Nami scooted over and draped an arm over him. Soon he was crushing her in one of his hugs.

"Do you have a headache?"

"The worst. Like my head got ran over by a ship."

"That's terrible... Did you read the note?"

"What note?"

Nami figured


Nami patted his hair and cooed once she felt him relax. "Poor baby," she teased which only made her best friend groan even more.

"Stop~" he whined.

Then he realized something.

"How come you're fine and I'm not?"

It was unfair to the highest degree. To think she drank triple the amount he did.

Nami wore a smug smile. Her friends in uni always wondered how she did it. While they skipped class, she went to every one. She was the envy of her friend group.

"It's a gift."

Luffy added it to his mental list of things she was good at. It was never-ending.

"What happened after we came back? I can't remember."

Nami placed a hand on her chin and looked heavenward.

"I don't remember much either. What we spoke about... But I'm pretty sure you touched my butt."

"I did?"

Luffy's eyes went big and wide.

"You totally did."

He looked at both his hands and clutched his head a minute later. A wave of pain hit him like someone took a stapler and stapled his brain.

"You're not trying to remember are you?"

Luffy's silence confirmed it. Nami hit the nail on the head and the evidence was clear.



"I called you a pervert."

Luffy blushed and denied it.

"I'm not like Sanji."

"Sure," Nami teased and Luffy panicked.

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