"Fine, then. Keep your secrets." I rolled my eyes playfully.

And he did. He took me out to dinner at the diner we loved downtown, not telling me until I got a simple, "We're here" from him as we pulled in. We ate and left, but he did inform me there were two more planned stops. The next one happened to be getting shakes to take on the go to stop number three.

"Okay, so I'm not actually sure about this last part, to be completely honest. Like the fact that you might not love it." Eddie blurts, keeping his eyes on the road.

I stop sipping my milkshake for a second. "Why's that?"

He glances over at me briefly. "Well, let's just say we've been here before."

He pulls over into a little gravel lot along the side of the road. All that's here is woods. He rushes over to open the door for me for the third time this evening, and I can't help but laugh a little at his efforts.

"Thanks, Munson." I took his outstretched hand as he escorted me out of the van.

He kept hold of my hand as he led me through the woods. A few minutes in, he puts his free hand over my eyes.

"You gotta keep 'em closed, okay? I'm going to take my hand off though." Eddie leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"They're closed, I promise." I squeezed my eyes shut and he removed his hand.

I heard footsteps crunch through the woods as he walked away. His footsteps faded in the distance, and he didn't return for a couple minutes. All of the sudden, the footsteps came rushing back, though.

"Still keep them closed, but I'm gonna lead you there." Eddie grabbed my hand again and led me forward a decent ways, weaving slightly around what I'll assume were trees. "Now, open."

We were back here. Skull Rock. Just like a few weeks ago. This time was different, though. The last time, Eddie and I were soaked with lake water and thoroughly traumatized. Now, we were just regular first-date awkward and Eddie had outdone himself. There was a picnic blanket laid out on the flatter part of the rock and a lantern set out.

"Eddie..." I gaped at the set up and how he stood off to the side, fidgeting with his hands behind his back.

"I know, I know, we were going through some really bad shit last time we were here, but I had always wanted to take you here. Like before everything happened. And not with the rest of the guys like the first time we came. Just me and you. If you don't want to be here, though, I definitely get it." Eddie started rambling, but I stepped closer to cut him off.

I pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "I love it. I do. Especially now that we don't have a drunk Gareth to deal with."

"Oh thank Jesus," he let out a relieved sigh and pumped his fist victoriously.

The two of us migrated over to the blanket and laid down. Eddie pointed out constellations to me and explained some of the stories behind them. We laughed as he definitely bullshitted some them blatantly obviously.

"Eddie, there's no way that's real!" I poke his arm.

"You tell it then, princess!"

I pointed up toward a lumpy cluster of stars. "Okay, so that's Bruce the bat. His parents died when he was little and it turned him into a vengeful super bat that wanted to fight crime against all the evil bats."

Eddie rolled onto his side and stared at me skeptically. "Okay, you just described Batman, so I think my story gets a pass."

"It's not fair! You're great at telling stories, Mister Dungeon Master of Hellfire. My creativity is pathetic and sad." I scoffed, rolling onto my side to face him.

"Nothing about you, Helena Mayfield, is pathetic or sad. You're incredible and badass. Henderson and I saw you literally beat the shit out of a swarm of demon bats. Metal as fuck."

Eddie's eyes drifted down to my lips, and I could feel myself starting to do the same. The scene almost reminded me of our first kiss, laying facing each other on Eddie's bedroom floor.

"Can I?" His big, brown eyes drifted back up to meet mine.

"Please?" I nodded, and he immediately smashed my lips against his.

He pulled me closer, and I practically felt myself melting into the kiss. Every time it happened it still felt as electric as the first, even though I'd kissed Eddie several times. He wasn't even my official boyfriend, and yet we kissed a decent amount. Was that weird? Oh, who cared if it was weird. Eddie made me happy, so I didn't particularly care.

Turns out those doubts would be pretty irrelevant soon enough. Spoiler alert, Eddie asked me to be his girlfriend after the second date.

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