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It's been two weeks since she got here ..
Laying down in bed , with all medical stuff in her skin feeding her since she can't get up and eat on her own
She hasn't woken up since she passed out on my arms.
I ran while carrying her , got her in my car and drove her to a hospital that I bought since I can't risk it and be seen in public , I brought her the best doctors and nurses around the world just to make sure she's gonna be fine.
She was quickly taken to the O.R for her arm , after that they cleaned up the wounded parts in different parts of her body.
The surgery went well but she hasn't woken up yet .
I haven't left her room since we got here , Im holding her hand and waiting.
I'm the reason why she's hurt now.
She's the only person I never wanted to hurt.

"Hey" I heard a whisper
Is it really her or am i going insane ?
She squeezed my hand back and I stood up surprised, She's awake
"Water?" She whispered and I panicked for that , I grabbed a glass of water and gave it to her but I was shaking internally the whole time
I helped her sitting and also to drink
"How are you feeling ,love?" I asked while taking back the glass of water
"Can you come closer to me?" She asked and I did but God .. I missed her voice.
She holds my face to touch my beard with the only arm she can use , she whipped the tear on my face that I didn't realize I had
She brings me closed to her and kisses me a little kiss and I hug her waist tightly but gently not to hurt her
"I miss you" she said against my neck , I think that hug lasted for ten minutes until the nurse came in
She did a-few check ups on her and told me that she's free to go home anytime and she left

Afterwards there was awkwardness between us, She's probably hesitant about whether she should ask me about my dead wife or not
But I don't think she is gonna ask me
"I did not kill her , you know" She looked at me and she was happy that she didn't have to ask
"It was just for business, that guy , her brother.. was young when it all happened, I married her for a year, she had affairs and I had that too" I sighed
"She was murdered on the day we were supposed to be celebrating "our anniversary" so everyone thought it was me"
"But Layla I promise you , It wasn't me.. The deal I had with her and her family was done , but when her brother grew up , he wanted revenge as he didn't believe me"
"Did it hurt you?" She asked
"What did?"
"Her death, her affairs" she explained
"No they both didn't, I didn't even like her"
She nodded and told me that she wanted to go home.HOME.

I have been staring at his face for a while , Apparently I was asleep for a while which gave him time to grow a hot ass beard.
It suits him so well. Oh my God the things I'm imagining doing now.
When we arrived he helped me get out of the car and to go to his room
I headed to his bathroom, I was getting the bathtub ready because I really need a shower
But I couldn't take off my clothes
"Marc? Can you come here please?" I yelled
He came in a minute
"Yes ,love?" He said tilting his head against the wall while holding something in his hands that I can't see
"Can you help me with that?" I pointed at my clothes and he figured it out , I saw the smirk hidden in his pretty beard, he left whatever was in his hands and helped me take my clothes off, he also helped me get in the bathtub
I couldn't wash my hair or myself with one hand so he offered to do that for me , He was sitting on his knees against the bathtub
He was rubbing my hair and I was really relaxed, I feel comfortable around him while Im totally naked which I have never felt before , I trust him ,Every inch of me trusts him and that's why I believed every-word he said about his dead wife

"Are you bothered about what the guy told you ? I mean .. that you can be on your knees for me?" I asked out of no where , literally
He took a second to answer me the he said
"I was never weak or vulnerable around anyone before you .. but you my Layla.."
oh my god
"You changed me , but only with you, I never felt the need to protect anyone like I did with you
Or felt the urge to do my best and make someone happy , or pleased"
This is making me feel so many things
"I was so selfish and never cared about anyones needs even in bed, You made me weak , you made me need you and I am happy with that"
Well when in it comes to bed , he puts my needs first, comes with the fact that he still didn't have full sex with me because Im still too afraid
"So Layla, Im not bothered at all , And I want you to keep doing things to me that changes me until my heart beats your name"
Well honestly, my heart is going crazy right now
" Can I kiss you?" I asked and he smiled and
nodded , again I touch his pretty beard with the hand I can use and we start to kiss , he pulls my lower lip and he suck it softly but with passion, I do the same with his upper lip
"I missed how you taste"I said in the kiss
I tried to take off his shirt to give him a hint that he can join me , I wan him to join me.
"You sure?" He separated the kiss to ask
"Yes,please?" I looked at him with my puppy eyes
"You know my weakness don't you?" I smiled while he takes off his clothes
Within minutes we adjusted our position so Im sitting on him while he lies in the bathtub
I make the step to let us continue making out but I take his lip again , Kiss it and play with his hair
He's holding my boobs and plays with my nipples , I rub myself against him while my hand touches different parts of him , I placed it on his side neck to bring him closer to me
He takes the hand that was on his neck and places it on himself , He grabs my neck to pull me close to him , but not the side of my neck , he chokes me , Honestly that was a turn on.
I let him know that I liked what he did by touching him the way he likes it.
We end up in his bed after he the hot make out , we both were tired so he made sure he puts one of his hoodies on me  to make me feel warm , He lays next to me and cuddles me in his sweatpants , I really did miss our home.


My Love / Oscar Isaac Where stories live. Discover now