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Waking up the sun was barley up in the sky so it was round 5 30 or 6 am slowly getting out of the bed I fixed my hair and my clothes I still  had my shoes on from last night, My feet felt cramp up so i took them off walking out of the room i went to where everyone was yesterday i saw a few of the members up and on their own rocks or in a corner of the room.

''You're still here" chrollo said in amusement and a bit of shock that i hadn't ran off that night.

"i didn't notice.'' i said brattly

walking over to Shalnark sitting next to him and looking at him fiddle with a phone that has little bat wings on the side of it. He looks over to me and gives me a small smile showing his teeth. Looking back to what he was doing. He had a look of concentration he had the tip of his tounge sticking out of his mouth with his eye brows feroed inward. He had soft looking featers but that didnt mean his body was the same he had on a purple cropped shirt with some sweat pants on. His musles would move once in awhile flexing just alittle and his hands looked rough and they were vainy but they where still big. the crop top shows just a little bit of his stomach but just to be anough for a tease, from what i saw was that he had abs and a slim waist. looking back to what he was doing it seamed that he was fixing the controles for a device. we sat in silence for bout 45 minutes watching him work on the phone.

''what are you doing.'' i asked

'' i have a bug on here thats messing up the conections to the small little bats next to me, you see how theyre red that means something is interfearing and that not good. so im trying to find what it is and by the looks of it someone hacked in and put the bug there manually, its hard to get rid of them but not imposible.''

with a little beep the bat thing had turned green and his phone showed that the bug had been removed. as he starts to fix his firewall and make it more stronger so that whoever it was cant get back in.

'' arent you going to track who hacked into the phone.'' i aske

''i already foend out who did it and by the looks of it was a game they didnt take anything and the put on a bug that was easy tot remove but still a bitch to do.'' he said in a soft voice.

going back to silence as he finshes up and put them away. looking round the room i saw the sun was a little bit more up into the sky and that everone but nobunaga was out here. he was most likely still asleep from staying up last night. getting up and walikng to the kitchen to see what they had, opening the firdge i saw some jelly and penutbutter finding some bread i made my self a pbj. turning around to see franklin.  waveing a little and taking a bite out of my sandwich.

'' you seam to be fitting in well.'' he said

''yeah uhh geuss im just the freindly type.''

''i can see that. so what did you do after your clan died?'' hue asked in wonder

walking out back to the main area with him fallowing i said.

'' i became a animal hunter and found all the rare ones that needed a little bit of help i also would look for dangerous ones and rescearched them. but that was more or a side job. mostly i would find bad people and kill them since i was a hunter it was swept under the rug.'' i said as i sat on the ground  the rough feel of it digging into my skin just a little.

'' so what is your nen.'' he asked

''conjuration.'' i said not wanting to give him much of the details. he gave a short nodd in understanding that, that's all he's getting out of me.  finishing up my sandwich he had walked off to do his own thing and i sat in silece for some time. laying down on the floor not careing if my shirt got dirty or not i stretched out breathing in and relaxing closeing my eyes,i here quiet foot steps slowly get louder and louder, knowing its nobunaga coming out of his room. listening to him give a small yawn, a small smile makes its way to my face, thinking of our talk last night and his little pet name he gave me by the end of it. now thinking back on it i have no dout that all of the members heard our conversation last night.not really giving two fuck i think bout what gonna happen now am i gonna join the group or will they just have me tag along till they seperate and one of them has me go with them.

wanting to know what happens i know i will have to stay and see if i can gain their trust and if im being honest i think i want to help them out the most i can. i was never a hero and im not starting now. the only reason why i killed the bad people was because it was fun and i saw it as a sport. i never really valued life not even mine. im kinda here because i just havent died yet. i know it will take some time for them to like me but i can do it. i started to tune back in to the chatering and i knotce all but but two didnt talk one was feitans and chrollo . they dont seam to talk alot and i want to know why but again i have to be pateint opening my eyes i look up to chrollo. 'i wonder if i will get onto trouble if i go talkto him' not careing i get up and jump up to him on his landing. walking up to him i sit next to him on his rock. 

'' is their something you want .'' he asked in fake amusement

''yes, i want to know you and i want to understand why you want me here.'' i said not afraid to speak my mind. '' we - sorry everyone here's knows I'm not as strong as the reast of you here and we all know that you could have killed me as soon as i walked into this building. so why spare me what's so interesting that you wanted to keep me here.'' i asked

'' i dont know why i want you here i just do.'' he said still looking at his book not looking at me

''we both know thats a lie so please tell the truth.'' i whispered in his ear letting my lips slightly graze his earlobe. glansing at me he closed his book making it vanish, i pulled away from him just alittle to give him room to look at me. looking into my eyes without missing a beat he says 

''youre right it is a lie. if im being quite honest i just want you here to look at you, for some reason i feel attached to you and i know you feel it too. when you first saw us not only did i see fear but i also saw that you wanted some of us just as bad as we want you. that fear that you had went away so fast when we told you who we where you seemed like you were meeting your idoles.   i have never wanted to protect someone as bad as i do to you.''

feeling some what proud of myself ' i have one of my questions answerd and he wasnt bullshitting me'  wanting to know more i asked '' so what will you have me do here will i be a member of will i just tag along.''

'' i dont know yet but what i do know right know is that i want you to stay, can you do that.'' he asked me  nodding quickly ' fuck that was hot '

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