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"Alright this is our last game before spring break and the season ends too so do your best and try to beat their asses ok? and Lucas try to not be bench I seen you play and your better than half the people on the team" y/n said as they start the game soon, she looked over at Chrissy and saw she wasn't feeling good "Hey chrissy a word?" "Outside?" Chrissy nodded and they went outside in the hallway where the band kids will soon be coming from "everything alright?" y/n asked the blond haired girl "yeah just nervous I guess" which came to shock towards y/n as Chrissy was never nervous "oh your never nervous? if you need to get some air we still have time left" "why are you being so nice to be?" she asked y/n as she thought about middle school "look I know I've been an asshole to you in middle school but people change and I'm sorry for that if you want to know a secret about me than I'll tell you so you can trust me" she stated 

Chrissy taught about it and she wanted to be friends with y/n after all she is right people do change and she nodded

"the reason why your queen of Hawkins high is that I didn't want to be it and I would have but I don't have time to be perfect and to be 100 percent honest I was jealous of you in middle school" y/n said shrugging with a little chuckle and chrissy couldn't believe it as she was about to say something a voice came on y/n walkie talkie telling her to send out the cheerleaders "I want to get a chance to hang out with you how about tomorrow during lunch?" y/n asked and chrissy nodded and the walkie talkie went off again which pissed y/n off "alright dipshit I'm sending them damn" she said "good luck hug?" and chrissy nodded. 

They both hugged and y/n told her to meet her at Family Video tomorrow and sent the cheerleaders out and went back into the locker room.

"uh y/n" Lucas said and y/n hummed in response not paying attention "can I have a um" Lucas said stuttering "good luck hug?" y/n questioned turning towards him and he nodded "yeah sure" y/n said going to give him a hug "I know I give the best 'good luck hugs'" y/n said and went into the middle of the gym and the Hawkins team following after she announces the names and went to the front row by the cheerleaders letting the girl sing (sorry kinda forgot her name) the national anthem 

The girl looked at Robin than at Steve and all of them mouthed "muppets" and went back to the middle of the gym.

"well that was something wasn't it?" After her speech she went and stood by her brother and watched the game.

With The hellfire club 

Everyone was sitting at the table as Eddie was saying 'held lord vecna" a few times and telling everyone what's happening "not only is he missing his left arm he was also missing his left eye!" Eddie said covering his left eye getting up and everyone yelled in disgrace "I say we fight" "to the death!" Dustin says "to the death" mike repeated along with Erica and everyone started chanting "to the death!" as eddie smiled and laughed. 

The basketball game

One of the players got knocked over by the other team and called a time out, the 2 teams got with their coaches and Lucas gets put in. He hurried and took his jacket off and ripped his pants off. y/n shook her head as Steve laughed. 

It was the end of both games and y/n was waiting for Dustin, Mike, Erica, and Max. She soon saw the 3 walk out and went over to them

"so how did it go?" She asked sounding like a mom "actually don't answer I just sounded like a mom" Which got laughs from the group "y/n this is eddie" Dustin said introducing each other "so your the eddie Dustin can't stop talking about? Saying how cool you are and that your cooler than me?" y/n asked with a smirk and he nodded "you guys go wait in the car I'll be there in a second" "yes mom" Mike joked "shut it or you can walk home" y/n somewhat threaten "so you took my place in being cool huh?" y/n asked as she crossed her arms "I guess so" eddie answered

Mike honked y/n car horn telling her to hurry up and he was starving and she rolled her eyes 

"maybe i'll see you around Eddie?" "huh? oh yea see you around princess" y/n smiled and walked to her car about to yell at mike

She got in and turned to Mike who's sitting in the back 

"Interrupt me one more time and you will be walking home and to school for the rest of the year" "I'm sorry that your flirting with my friend and I'm hungry" "we weren't flirting dipshit" "you guys we're" Erica butt in "god I hate you all" 

The car ride was somewhat silent, y/n dropped Max off than Dustin than Erica and then Mike, but she went inside too since Mrs. Wheeler wanted to talk to her

"I was wondering if you can babysit Holly tomorrow, I have a few Arons to run and I have to drop Mike off at the Airport tomorrow if you aren't busy" Karen asked y/n "yea of course I can" "thank you so much honey" "of course I'll see you tomorrow" "alright drive safely!" Mrs. Wheeler said as y/n went back to her car and went home. 

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