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"Hey Kit Kat." Xander mumbled sitting down infront of the tomb opposite Katherine, Stefan and Elena were king gone and Xander was overdue a chat with her.

"Hey Xander ." She said with a smile.

"It's good to see you alive." He said shrugging, Katerina snorted before looking at him in realisation, sadness overcoming her features.

"What did he do?" she questioned as Xander looked at her in confusion.

"Come again?"

"Klaus must of found out you helped me." She said, he looked towards the ground for a moment regretting his decision right after. "what did he do."

"Uh well he was super Pissed of, daggered Rebekah for a while and kept me chained up in one of the rooms bleeding out." He said rolling his eyes before he huffed, "but to be honest I kind of deserved it, I'm just pissed of Rebekah had to suffer the consequences."

"How long was you in there for?"

"7 years." He said making her flinch.

»»————- ★ ————-««

"Come on niklaus she was my friend what was I suppose to do?"  He said grunting as another wolfsbane covered stake entered his body.

"We we're your friends, your family! Yet you still betrayed me!" He said in a rage.

"I didn't think she was going to kill herself alright! I was just trying to figure out a solution of how to bring her back alive after the ritual!"

"Seven years I said!" He said in a rage. "You stay down here for seven years! It's only been four so you have three years left and you can't change my mind," he shouted before plunging another one into his body.

Xander screamed out in pain, hoping Niklaus would at least un-dagger Rebekah.

»»————- ★ ————-««

"Why did you ask if I remembered you?" She asked. Now this was Xanders time to wince as memory's of the past haunted his mind.

"1759. There was an incident, somebody died and I had gone and killed some witches because they were the one who killed him. Turns out they had help from a really powerful witch and had messed with the mikaelsons mind making them all forget about me." He said.

Katerina furrowed her eyebrows wishing that she could enter the tomb to give him a hug.

Her eyes widened as she glanced at him.

"Wait hold on siphon the barrier." She ordered him as he looked at her in confusion.

"But your safe from niklaus here-"

"You can put it up later just hurry up." She said. Katerina was the only one who knew about his abilities apart from The mikaelson well now since they had forgotten about him, just her.

He did as asked and siphoned the barrier, his eyes widened when he felt her pull him into a hug.

He wrapped his arms round her pulling her close as he forgot about that awful day.

»»————- ★ ————-««

"Aww come on please Alex !" The beautiful women beside him said with puppy eyes.

"Ugh fine but only because I love you."  He said before lifting up his shirt over his head. He slid his pants down noticing the glances she gave to his chest.

He slid slowly into the water shivering at the cold temperature.

"Jesus Bek how are you not cold," he said as he swam towards her.

"Vampires don't get cold Xan ." She said in a cocky tone. She held onto his shoulders gently letting herself lean all of her weight on him knowing it wasn't much due to his strength.

"God your beautiful." He groaned against the skin of her neck.

"And you're handsome." She whispered into his ear. Xander could feel the tightness of his pants as he tugged her closer.

"Jesus you could do things to me Bex." He said making her smirk and before they knew it she had sped them towards her bedroom.

»»————- ★ ————-««

Xander woke up sweating, gasping as he hurriedly rushed out of bed and towards the bath turning the cold tap as he watched the water rise slowly before getting in. The coldness of the water felt weird against his skin as he shut his eyes, trying to forget the haunting memories of his past.

She was never going to remember him, he was never going to see her again and they'd never get there happy ending. The one they deserved, the one they so desperately wanted.

Xander could feel the water submerge his entire body, including his face.

The water felt like ice, or sandpaper rubbing against his skin. He could feel his eyes sting as he opened them in the water only spotting the white edges of the bath that slowly turned to black spots clouding his vision.


"Xander come help me."

"Xander look who's here."

"Xander there almost here."

"Xander he's gone."

"He's dead Xander."

"And it's all your fault.

"It's your fault."

"Your fault."

The voices eventually faded, and so did his vision, his throat burning as he aloud the water to enter them. He couldn't hear the tap anymore, or the water hitting the floor as the tub overflowed, he couldn't hear the barks of the next door neighbours dog and especially, he couldn't hear the voices in his head telling him it was his fault, that everything was his fault. 

Xander always hoped he'd wake up, and everything was normal, Oliver would still be alive, Rebekah and the mikaelson would remember him, but when he woke up nothing changed.



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Poor Alex

Chains || Rebekah MikaelsonKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat