im sorry, girlfriend?

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i wake up to a very annoying little cousin, ushering to get up, "five more minutes." i mumble trying to get him off of me, "you gotta go to workkk." he ushers me, i finally open my eyes, and look at Dustin. "fine." i push him off of me, and do my morning routine. i politely beg Aunt Claudia to let me borrow her car again, "only if you take Dusty with you." she says, i roll my eyes but agree. Dustin and i walk out, waving a quick bye to Aunt Claudia, we get in the car and i start the engine.

Dustin and i talk the entire time, he tell me how camp is, and tells me he got a girlfriend, "im sorry, girlfriend?" i question him, "yeah. shes a genius! and shes hotter than Phoebe Cates! and get this she says kissing is better without teeth." Dustin exclaims, he blushes, "no way! hotter than Phoebe Cates? no way, AND shes a genius?! you're lying. and kissing without teeth, thats kinda gross Dusty, but tell me HOW my little nerdy cousin got a girlfriend, before i get a boyfriend, and his first kiss before me. thats bullshit!" i say while looking over at the curly haired boy, he shrugs and soon we pull into Starcourt mall.

"ok, so Scoops Ahoy doesnt open until noon, and even when it does open, like wait like ten minutes before going in there." i say ruffling Dustins hair. he nods and starts to walk away, "hey! here's some money so you can buy whatever." i say handing him a wad of cash. he thanks me and with that we go our separate ways.
we open not long after Steve comes into work, again. and just like yesterday it was busy as soon as we opened. Steve's in the back, and Robin's working the cash register, while i scoop ice cream, i'll sometimes catch Robin staring but, i brush it off.

this couple walks in and gets ice cream, "here you go." Robin says in a monotone, "thank you!" the lady says while walking away, and then i see a very familiar curly haired boy step up to greet Robin, "hi." Dustin says as if she should know him, "hi." Robin says already sick and tired of him, "i'm Dustin." Dustin says pointing to himself, just to clarify that he is in fact Dustin. "i'm robin." Robin says sarcastically. "pleasure to meet you. uh, is he here?" Dustin asks peering over Robin's shoulder, i finally stand back up, and lean on the glass above the ice cream, "is who here exactly?" i ask him, knowing already who's he's gonna say.

before Dustin gets to say anything, the backroom door swings open making a really loud 'clanging' noise, which well makes me jump and i feel a warm hand in my own, i look down to see Robin's hand in mine. i blush and so does Robin, i look back to the boys and Steve's imitating a trumpet? then him and Dustin do a very weird handshake, but it's Steve and Dustin. i dont question them.

they laugh, "how many children are you two friends with?" Robin asks letting go of my hand, i frown a little, and Steve's smile fades, he sighs then points to Robin.

Steve makes Dustin a 'S.S Butterscotch' and they go to a booth. Robin and i exchange glances, and start to chuckle. they're talking about god-knows-what, and Robin walks over and refills napkins, she catches a glimpse of what they're talking about, "yeah, and how's that working out for you?" Robin sarcastically replies, making me laugh. this girl really has me on my knees for her. costumers walk in in swarms, for no reason. i suddenly hear Dustin yelling at Steve, "I INTERCEPTED A SECRET RUSSIAN COMMUNICATION!" we all look at him, and Steve mumbles something to him.
Steve practically drags Dustin into the backroom and they're trying to translate Russian. Erica and her group walks in, asking for free samples.

Robin rolls her eyes but still gets her them, i pat Robin's back, "can i try the peppermint stick?" Erica asks, "haven't you already tried the peppermint stick?" i ask her, she turns to me, "yes, and i would like to try it AGAIN." i look over at Robin, and Robin looks over at me, "STEVE!" i yell, and he doesnt here obviously.

Robin sighs and takes my hand, we go into the break room. "alright, babysitting time is over. you need to get in there. hey, our board. that was important data shitbirds." Robin exclaims. "i guarantee you, what we're doing is way more important that your data." Dustin sass'. "yeah?" i ask dustin, "yeah" he mumbles. i walk over to him, letting go of Robin's hand, "yeah? and how do you know these Russians are up to no good anyways?" Dustin looks at Steve, worried.

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