Chapter 16

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The three of us sit in our seats and I pull the pin from my hair to let my hair loose before I sit in between Deck and Hattie. "I can't believe you did that" Hattie comments, referring to Hobbs. "Me neither" I add. "He was gonna slow us down" Deck argues and I look at him in shock. He doesn't really think we can do this on our own, right? "We can't pull this off, we all know it. It's bad enough I've got this thing in my blood that's gonna kill me and everyone else. But are we seriously gonna break this machine out of a high security death virus complex and magically get it to work. Because frankly that sounds-" Hattie explains before Deck interrupts her. "You still wear that silly thing. I didn't know you still had that. Put the pin back in" he says with a smile while looking at her necklace and I look at it and recognise it from when we were young. "You haven't changed" he adds with a smile. "Wish I could say the same about you" Hattie replies sorrowfully. "Hey, you're gonna be ok, We're gonna make this work. It's what we do" Deck replies supportively. "What if the only option is-" Hattie starts. "That's not happening" I interrupt quickly while shaking my head. She smiles at me, "I've missed you" she says. "I've missed you too" I reply with a big smile.

We're distracted by the sound of someone boarding the plane. We all look up to see Hobbs walking down the aisle. "Let's see, where's my seat. F1, F2, F U" he says as he looks at Deck and Deck only smiles lightly at him. Hobbs looks over at Hattie and says "Hi" flirtingly and Hattie smiles back at him. "You are an asshole" Hobbs states as he takes his seat. "You were quicker than I thought" Deck responds. "Because I have a secret weapon; people actually like me. You wouldn't understand because you don't have any friends" Hobbs explains before complimenting the woman sitting beside him and she smiles up at him. Deck shakes his head before looking at me and I shrug my shoulders and lean back in my seat to relax.

After a while Hattie asks "So how long have you been back together?" and I chuckle a little. "2 years" I answer with a smile. "He was a wreck when you left" she states and Deck groans. "So I've been told" I laugh as I remember Queenie telling me how miserable he was. "It's good to see you again" Hattie states with a smile. "You too, I only wish it was under better circumstances" I reply before thinking about the fun me and Hattie used to have. She was like my sister.

I enter Deck's house and find Queenie sitting in the living room. "Hi sweetie, Deck isn't here but he shouldn't be long" she tells me with a smile. "That's ok, is Hattie here?" I ask in response. "Yeah, she's upstairs" she replies and points to the stairs. "Ok, thanks" I reply before running up the stairs. I open Hattie's door to see her sitting on her bed so I run over and jump onto it and she laughs at me. "What are you doing here?" she asks as she leans forward to give me a hug. "I'm meeting Deck but he isn't here yet" I reply with a smile. "Date?" she asks and I nod. "He won't tell me what we're doing though. Any ideas?" I ask, hoping she'll be able to tell me anything about it. She only shakes her and apologises while I sigh in defeat. "Don't get me wrong, I love surprises but your brother is so unpredictable" I laugh and she laughs along with me.

I look over at Deck and smile. "You really missed me huh?" I ask with a grin but he only rolls his eyes and looks away. I laugh at him and wrap my hand around his bicep as I lay my head on his shoulder. "I missed you too" I say before he kisses my forehead as he rests his hand on my thigh. I close my eyes and relax against him. "I love you" I sigh. "I love you too" he replies before I fall asleep on his shoulder.

As we're all leaving the airport, Deck pulls me towards him and leans towards me. "I feel like I should warn you. Margarita and I used to date, so she might kiss me" he says quietly and I look at him confused. "Ok, just don't kiss her back" I suggest, slightly confused to why he's telling me this. "I don't think that's a good idea" he replies. I look at him shocked and wait for him to explain and try to save his ass. "She's very powerful and we need her resources, resources she might not give if I reject her" he explains and I sigh. He's probably right, we can't risk losing these resources. "Fine" I sigh and look away from him. "I promise it doesn't mean anything. I love you" he argues and I just nod my head. I don't really want him kissing another woman but I don't think I have a choice. "Hey" he says and stops, causing me to stop too. "Look at me" he tells me and I turn to look at him with a sigh. "I'm sorry. I love you, no one else. I promise" he says and I nod. "Ok" I say before he cups my face and kisses me passionately. He pulls away and I look at him and think 'damn it'. "I love you too" I say with a sigh as I give in. He smiles at me and pecks my lips before continue out of the airport.

We pull up outside a mansion and Hobbs says "Ah, your friend's a Russian mobster" with a hint of sarcasm. "This girl steals from Russian mobsters. Actually, she steals from everyone. It's kind of her thing" Deck quips before we all get out of the car. Deck leads the way through the front door and greets Margarita, a very beautiful woman, might I add. "Deckard Shaw" she says. "Margarita" he replies. She kisses him and they share a few heated kisses before she walks into the mansion and Deck follows her. "Oh, I did not see that coming" Hattie comments with a traumatised look on her face. "I wish I didn't see that at all" Hobbs responds and Hattie utters "Me too" before they both look at me. I only stared at Deck and Margarita as they kissed, I knew it was coming but that doesn't mean I was happy with it. I didn't look at Hobbs or Hattie, instead I just follow behind Deck, without saying a word.

"Eteon. Could you pick a harder place to break into?" Margarita questions as she pulls up a map of Eteon on her digital desk. "We need to find the C-17 extraction machine, it could be anywhere" Deck states, getting straight to the point. "That facility's three square miles of research labs" Hattie states and Hobbs nods. "And it's a powder keg packed with munitions" he adds hopelessly. "We've got to pull a Mick Jagger" Hattie says with a grin and I chuckle at her. "This sounds like a fun game" Hobbs says, waiting for an explanation. "We're not getting you on the inside" Deck states sternly. "So, when Deck and I were kids we used to spend our time coming up with these grifts. The Mick Jagger was a job that required one person to showboat, draw all the eyes while the other made the music. A typical inside job" she explains and I smile at the nostalgia of the story. "Guys, you heard Andreiko. They have to use the extraction machine. They'll take her right to it" I explain, agreeing with Hattie. Deck looks at me displeased but sighs in defeat. "So now, the only question is how to ring Eteon's dinner bell" Deck states and Margarita smirks. "Oh, I can handle that part" she says.

Margarita gets us all geared up, giving us supplies for all parts of our plan. Deck, Hobbs and I put all the clothing on as she gives them to us until we all finish. "How do I look?" Hobbs asks after hitting his chest. "It's a little tight" Deck replies with a frown and I chuckle and nod. "Come with me" Deck says as he takes my hand and walks out of the room. "What's up?" I ask once he stops and turns to me. "Are you ok?" he asks in response. "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you ok?" I reply. "You're not mad about the kissing?" he questions and I chuckle a little. "I felt better about it before I saw how attractive she is, but I'm fine. You told me it doesn't mean anything and that you love me. I trust you, so I'm not mad" I reply and grab his hands with a smile. "You are the most attractive woman in the world. I love you, and only you. I promise" he responds and cups my cheek with his hand. "I believe you, and I love you too" I nod with a smile. He smiles back and pulls me into a kiss.

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