"I'm not!" He says gruffly back as he tried to step away from my grasp. I hold his hand anyways.

"Yes you are. C'mon Arthur use your head! If you go now and leave him be your can make it back to camp before he can make up some stupid lie." I plea once again. He keeps his gaze ahead but I can tell he's considering what I've said. "Please Arthur."

He nods then and sheaths his sword. I watch as he leaves, his green and gold tunic flapping as he runs. I turn my attention now to Sansa, my little sister. She looks scared out of her mind as she stands by Joffery's side, obviously unsure of what to do. Lyanna stands by her, protecting her.

"Sansa!" I shout as I make my way to her. Her beautiful hair is a mess and her Tully blue eyes are full of tears. Once she sees its me she runs to me and practically jumps into my arms.

"Skylea!" She cries into my shoulder as I hug her. "Did you see what happened? My poor Joffery and Arya- oh stupid Arya! She ruined everything!" Sansa cries as I release her.

"Sansa I saw everything but right now you can't blame anyone. You must go get help." I tell her sternly as I wipe her tears away. She nods and runs off and Lyanna with her. I feared for Lyanna's safety but Sansa needed a guard and without a sword I couldn't be the one to protect her.

"You stupid She-Wolf! All you Northerners are savages! I'll kill you! I'll kill you all!" Joffery bellows at my feet. His crimson tunic hides the blood leaking from his arm yet his golden curls are splashed with droplets of it.

"The North will remember this Joffery and so will the future king." I tell him calmly as I make my way past him.

"I am your future king you wolf bitch! Kneel before your King!" He calls after me as I make my way towards where Arya ran off to. I laugh at his remark.

I follow the tracks left behind by Nymeria and Arya. The forest they escaped into is quiet and peaceful with only the sounds of a crying girl to disturb it.

"Arya!" I call ahead to where the sound seems to originate. The crying stops suddenly and a shaky voice calls back to me.

"Skylea?" She croaks back. Her voice shakes and is thick with emotion.

When I stumble upon her she's hidden behind a tree with Nymeria beside her. Her gray eyes are raw and red from crying and her dress torn and messy from running and fighting.

"Joffery ruined everything! Those stupid Lannisters ruined everything! " She howled. "I want to go home!"

"I'm sorry Arya. I'm so sorry." I mumble back as I pull her closer. When it came to my sisters I was always the mediator in their fights and their shoulders to cry. My sisters and family in general have always been important to me. After all I am a Tully and the Tully words are Family, Duty, Honor.

"I wish I could've stayed North with Mother, Robb and Bran. I would've been good! I would've even watched Rickon when Mother was busy and Robb was being a lord. Why did Father make me come South?" She asks then, her voice seems to shake the forest.

"I don't know Arya. He was just trying to secure your future. By presenting you to court he could find you a husband-" I begin but Arya interrupts me in protest.

"I don't want a stupid husband! I want to be free to fight with a sword and wear what I want! This isn't fair! I don't want to be sold to some stupid boy from court who just wants me because of what house I'm from!" She cries out, her little voice shaking with the injustice of it all.

"I know Arya. Oh Arya I know." I tried my best to soothe her. She was right, oh how she was right. I was just the same when I was her age and I still am. The practice of lords selling their daughters in order to gain alliances was disgusting and the little freedom girls had even growing up was even worst. I knew Arya's pain and was very lucky not to be in the situation she just described.

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