Problem 3: Nightmare Disaster

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Being the faculty advisor for detention did not get easier for Mr. Null. The students he was responsible for became harder to control, which meant an accurate recount of how they ended up in detention became harder to get. This story was pieced together from interviews with those involved, as well as some eyewitness testimony. Most of the students giving testimony had just woken up, but I've decided to trust them.


Detention began with Mr. Null entering the classroom and sitting at his big desk. Sam was already in the back corner when Mr. Null arrived. No one ever saw Sam enter detention. He would look out the window and think about anime and samurai movies. Roscoe would always arrive ten minutes late, and have to stay ten minutes extra. He would also be thinking about anime, but if he and Sam ever realized they had this in common they'd kill each other.

"We're getting a new student in detention today, so be on your best behavior," Mr. Null said without conviction. He wondered why anyone became a teacher when students like Sam and Roscoe existed.

Before either of the boys could ask questions they heard faint footsteps coming down the hall. Someone was stumbling toward the classroom. Both the boys tensed. Sam had his sword back, so he took every opportunity to use it. Roscoe was still banned from using weapons, but he still had his arms and legs.

A shadow cast on the doorframe announced the new arrival. Before Sam or Roscoe could see what he looked like they fell asleep. It was as sudden as being shot in the head. Sam never felt any hostility as he fell backward off the desk he was sitting cross legged on. Roscoe's powers kicked in and his head slammed onto his desk without a sound.

Mr. Null was the only one who was ready for it. He let out a yawn and slumped down in his chair as exhaustion turned his body into lead. Through his nearly closed eyes he managed to make eye contact as the newest member of detention entered the room.

Mr. Null's first thoughts were, Thank God she doesn't have any weapons. The girl wore a matching set of blue pajamas and a pointed night cap. There were slippers on her feet and dark circles under her eyes.

The new arrival looked around the classroom, then shrugged. "Oh well, guess detention is canceled," she whispered to herself as she headed for the door.

"Wait, detention is still going," Mr. Null said through a massive yawn.

The new girl spun around with a look of complete shock on her face.

Mr. Null dragged his hand across the desk and flipped open a folder. "Your name is Audrey, and you're in trouble for using your power on your homeroom class." Mr. Null's hand slid forward and pushed the file off the table. He was nearly catatonic, but managed to stay awake.

"You're not asleep," Audrey said. She said it the same way you might tell a person who just jumped into a pool that they weren't wet.

"No, and you just got yourself an extended detention for using your powers on unsuspecting students," Mr. Null said. He felt so tired that he could only keep one eye open at a time. "Now sit down and face me."

Audrey sat down with a look of amazement on her face. Mr. Null continued to look at her, and slowly he felt the exhaustion going away. Once he felt comfortable that he wouldn't pass out, Mr. Null adjusted himself so he looked more presentable.

"The only thing written in your file was, "sleepy". Do you mind explaining what's going on with them?" Mr. Null gestured to Roscoe and Sam.

Audrey crossed her arms. "Obviously my power is making people fall asleep, but I don't have much control over it. When I was admitted, 'sleepy' was the only thing the interviewer managed to write."

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