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After the heartfelt reunion, the six people has face another predicament. The evening sun began its descent in the sky, but that didn't matter, since everyone seemed to have different thoughts about what they should do now.

They stood facing the big white door with troubled yet determined expressions. They had been standing there for who knows how long, but not a single one had the guts to move forward. A strange sensation was building inside their chests that they couldn't decipher.

Perhaps it was dread? Maybe apprehension? Or maybe both? Regardless of whatever it was, it was driving them insane.

"Are we doing this or what?" It was Beomgyu. The others turned to look at him with startled expressions, clearly not expecting his voice so suddenly, as if he hadn't said anything at all.

"We will. It's just..." Soobin trailed off, eyebrows furrowing in worry. "I'm not sure of how this works."

Something was missing, and he knew it. From the information that he gathered, there was supposed to be a guardian that would ask them a riddle. And once they give the correct answer, the door will permit them to go wherever they want.

"Aren't we just compelling our mind to think of the place that we desire to go to?" Kai asked, not seeing any problem with that.

"Yes, and No... We still have to solve a riddle." He explained slowly.

The others looked among them in confusion, then looked to the Archer expectantly, thinking he wasn't finished. Still, he spoke nothing else and just sent them a confused look himself.

"What kind of riddle?" Dawn pitched in the question that was swirling in the other's mind.

Soobin thought back on what he remembered, and he felt as if something wasn't adding uo. "We have to wait for the–" He didn't get to finish what he said when they saw the big white door opening from the corner of their eyes.

A bright light shone through the doorway. They immediately covered their eyes and tried to block out the blinding light.

Hearing the door closed, they hesitantly open their eyes again. All gazes went to the door, wondering who walked through. And boy, was it unexpected.

Dawn subconsciously took a step back, her breath hitching in surprise, when she saw a pair of big, black, beady eyes that seemed to pierce through her soul. Holding those black hole-like eyes was a small face with a pudgy nose and pointed ears. It was also green. Just like those creatures that chase them!

Now that she thought about it, it's one of them. But this one seemed to be intelligent. Unlike those who chased them, this one's wearing an old robe, also holding a staff much higher than its fubsy stature.

"Ah, young travelers! You don't get to see that nowadays." The goblin greeted them enthusiastically.

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