The secret admirer

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Agnes; or Agatha, trailed her fingers across the stairs downwards, her dress elegantly brushing upon the wooden steps whenever she took another step. The Witch huffed and sighed, although her physical appearance seemed to radiate happiness and love, deep within her mind held a dark secret, darker than the dark hold, which Wanda stole somehow? No one actually saw it on her when leaving the town but oh well we don't discriminate. Anyways, Agatha held tight onto this secret, this disadvantage. It hurt her deeply, to be honest, she felt alone, lost... without another witch within the area, it felt lonely. Just a few week ago she was in Wanda's house telling her how gorgeous she looked and giving her useless statistics on married men, now... now she is in her own house, telling herself how gorgeous Wanda is... telling herself that Wanda was infact the most precious being in the universe.

She dwelled on these thoughts all the time, in her living room, in her kitchen... mainly her bedroom, in her garden; even as she picked the pink flowers from their bushes it just reminded her that Wanda had the same flowers trailing from her front door. It put her off even wanting to be Agnes, yet Agnes was still under Wanda's spell, so she must still care about Agatha... right?

"Augh", Agatha groaned as she slumped onto the couch, "this day isn't going too well is it?", the woman's eyes wandered to her pet. She leaned forward and with pout, spoke in a high tone, "this day isn't going to well is it señor scratchy? No it isn't you're right", using her finger she tickled the top of the rabbits head, rearranging his fluff. The rabbit paid no attention, he just stared at the floor with his soulless black eyes and twitched his nose. Agatha removed herself from the lean and sighed once again, "what a life aye?", she threw herself back and was put to an immediate stop by the sofas back board.

It had been weeks since Wanda left WestView, leaving behind serious damage; it took the town as a collective three weeks, day and night to clean up what Wanda left behind. On top of that, they also blamed Agatha for the destruction too, considering she was the one who kidnapped little red riding hood's kids and held them hostage in a basement then held their mother in there too! I think she enjoyed that part a little too much... the whole holding Wanda hostage in her basement.

It was a very vivid and frequent memory that circuited Agatha's mind. Just seeing Wanda tied up with purple magic all helpless was a sight to be hold in Agatha's eyes. It didn't last long obviously, it did end up with Agatha getting a car thrown her way but it's the thought that counts. Agatha dreamed of seeing Wanda again, being able to tell her how sorry she was for even thinking that she could take her chaos magic away from her, to also apologise for kidnapping her non-existent children, for probably calling vision a toaster a few times, the lost goes on and on. The fact of the matter is Agatha just wanted to say sorry for everything she has done to Wanda, but she can't do that because no fucker knows where the woman flew off to!!

These thoughts constantly flew in Agatha's mind a bit like Geraldine when Wanda threw her about five houses out of the hex. But anyways story isn't about Monica, it's about our gyal Agatha and our favourite witchy Wanda.

Omg okay anyways, Agatha thought about Wanda all the time, to the point of it slightly becoming an obsession, and the worst part about it was, Agatha had a very little chance of seeing Wanda again, A. Well Wanda just left and no one knows where she pissed off to, B. Wanda probably does not give a flying fuck about Westview anymore and C. Agatha can't use her dumb ass powers to go find her because Wanda took them away from her for a bit because obviously Wanda can't be bothered dealing with Agatha nagging her for her powers 24/7. Constant stress.

I mean Wanda was fine chilling in her cabin while the Scarlet witch read the stolen dark hold, you see Agatha was now not only without her actual body, she was without her magic, without a Wanda and without her fucking diary man. Sad times for her. Poor gyal.

I keep side tracking oh my days.

Agatha remained slumped on her couch, she had nothing interesting to do as per usual, she just sat there, pottered about for a bit, washing pans and dishes, cleaning the house, wearing a new chequered dress every two seconds. The usual every day to day thing. However, Agatha needed something new to do, something that would keep her busy from doing shit she really didn't need to do. Maybe like art? No she can't draw...trying new cooking recipes? Nah no point she's got no one to share them with... redecorating? She'd usually have her magic do that for her so no. The list really runs short for her on things to do. Or does it?

The woman noticed a pen on the desk infront of her, quite a random thing to notice all of a sudden. However it caught her attention, she never used to write before, maybe now would be a good time to write some stuff down. She pushed herself forward and reached for the pen, her eyes studied the object for quite a bit of time, "this could be a good idea", she nodded to herself with a smile.

Pen in hand she jolted off the sofa and to go find a notepad or some paper,  she searched drawers and cupboards to find absolutely nothing, she couldn't even find a slither of paper. But it didn't stop her from looking frantically, she searched every room in her house and still found nothing.

Although there was one room she didn't quite go into.

The basement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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