Baby stuff

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Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon

"So. What's going on with you?" Robin asked. Steve glanced at Robin who was peeking at him over the shelf he'd been stocking. Steve cleared his throat and glanced away from her.

"I don't know what you mean?" Steve said quickly. Robin laughed softly and hurried round the shelf and took one of the tapes he'd been about to load onto the shelves.

"(Y/N). The baby. The angry parents. The deadbeat dad... Come on Steve, it was all you could talk about for months!" Robin insisted. Steve sighed and abandoned his job leaning against the wall.

"She doesn't want my help." Steve answered simply. Robin gave Steve a funny look and nodded slowly.

"Did you offer your help?" Robin asked.

"I didn't explicitly say I will help you if you ask. But I was there through the whole thing. Literally every second so she knows I'll help her." Steve insisted. Robin snickered and smiled as she glanced at him.

"Every second of her pregnancy? So you were there when they..."

"No! Robin." Steve cut off. Then he paused and frowned. "Well. I was at the party when... they. I went to every appointment too, you know."

"Oh ok. So you've been around the baby more than the dad at this point? Steve you need to say something to (Y/N) because I feel like if you don't things will get weird." Robin said quickly. Steve sighed and there was a long pause.

"I bought baby stuff for my house. Oh! And my car." Another pause as Robin fiddled with her Family Video uniform and tried not to voice the millions of words building in her mind. "I have a copy of every ultrasound picture. I even have one in my wallet. She gave it to the dad when I took her to tell him she was pregnant and he gave it back and said 'not thanks'. 'No. Thanks.'"

"Wow what an asshole." Robin muttered. A customer came in and Robin hurried to help them leaving Steve with his thoughts. In fact for the rest of the day she let Steve coast. She would have normally complained but Nancy had told her you'd been thrown out of your parents house and she was hoping if Steve had some time to think he'd confess to you that he had an entire nursery for you at his small two bed apartment. She'd helped him turn the walk in closet, big enough to be a very small bedroom into a nursery and watched him torture himself for ten months over you. Around closing the phone rang. Robin smiled when she heard you quietly say her name.

"Hey (Y/N)!" She said loudly enough that Steve scrambled over. "You know I heard from Nancy that you need a place to stay and Steve has this whole..." The phone was ripped from her hands as Steve glared at her.

"Hello?" Steve said quickly.

"Steve? Hi!" You said nervously. Steve cleared his throat as he leaned on the counter, phone tucked between his shoulder and his ear.

"Hey. (Y/N)." Steve answered awkwardly.

"We've established names. Move on." Robin said with a huffy tone as she gestured with her hand that Steve should change the subject.

"Are you ok?" Steve asked gently. There was a long pause and a sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Do you think you could give me... us a ride to the motel six?" You asked.

"Yeah. Sure. Now?" Steve asked. Robin nodded and gave him a thumbs up. She'd watched him all but kill himself looking after you. She'd happily take a late night shift alone if it meant Steve got a chance at telling you how he felt. "Just tell me where to meet you."

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