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Steve Harrington x Reader

Requested by Anon​

December event

"This is a horrifically bad idea." You muttered. Steve looked up at the ceiling as the lights slowly dimmed on and off. He fumbled with the roughly chopped wood he'd managed to find outside.

"Look all we have to do is wait until tomorrow and ask this guy our questions. It's not so bad." Steve said as he pulled his eyes away from the lights and to the fire, he was sitting next to.

"Yes. OK. But we're hiding out in some abandoned cabin. We left town to look for a scientist who might know about a murderer whose friends with a psychic. We're all alone out here." You complained. Steve huffed as he added the new wood to the fire and sat on the floor next to it.

"I know! I know. We just need to stay calm. It'd be a lot easier if the lights would stop doing that." Steve mumbled. You nodded and sat next to him.

"What if the person who lives here shows up?" You said quietly.

"This place has been abandoned for a while. I doubt they'll come back. We'll just..." Steve trailed off as the wind rattled around the house.

"We'll just run out into the cold. The garage will open in the morning right? If we need to we could stay in your car." You said hopefully. Something about the old empty building creeped you out.

"No. It's too cold to stay in the car. The garage opens up in about ten hours. If we get some sleep we should be able to get up early enough to walk down there and see if they can tow the car. Then while that's being fixed we'll be able to go to this lab and get some answers for Dustin." Steve offered. You went to agree but as you did the lights that were on grew so bright you covered your eyes to avoid being blinded and then they died completely.
"So about that sleep..." You said and felt Steve chuckle next to you.

"You know I spent so much time in Hawkins that when lights do stuff like that I think some monsters are going to follow after me." Steve muttered.

"Could we. . .cuddle? I'm a little cold." You said quickly as the furniture started to look like eerie shapes and figures.

"Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." Steve said quietly as he put an arm over your shoulder and let out a shaky sigh.

Steve Harrington ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora