Chapter Thirty-Six

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~Time Skip: The Next Morning 7:30 am~

"Sunshine, you gotta wake up now it's morning."

I whined softly and buried my face into the surprisingly soft and warm pillow. Someone was shaking me gently and all I wanted to do was sleep some more.

"Nuuu, too early still sleepy."

The person who was trying to wake me up giggled softly, making my pillow move a bit.

'Wait a minute...pillows don't move'

I rub my eyes sleepy and blink a bit as the sun was being a pain in the ass. I mumbled a few swears as someone giggles more. I felt someone gently rub my cheek, trying to wake me up.

I hum happily at the touch and nuzzles against the soft hand as I cling onto the warmth and Sir Otterton.

But sudden I was lifted up into the air and with the sudden separation of unknown warmth, I opened my eyes and whine loudly.

"I know hun, but you gotta wake up remember we have to go see Eion today and we gotta drop off minty at school."

I rub my eyes sleepily and blinked a few times till I was able to full see around me. I was in the living room and momma had to use her magic to wake me up again, but the only difference was that I finally knew what the unknown warmth was.

The warmth was coming from Amity, who was right now smiling lovingly at me as momma gently glides me over to the kitchen table.

"Sorry kiddo, I know you wanted to cuddle your girlfriend more but she has school and you have lessons and a check up" She gently ruffles my messy hair and glides me over to my spot.

I whine more as I sat down in my usual spot with a glass of kiddy apple blood. I look over to my little brother and saw that he was already snoozing the morning away on his little high chair table.

"Buuuuut momma, it's too damn early!!! I call mutiny!!!" I say sleepily as my head rests on the table, King joining me as he raises his small fist into the air.

She just snorts as she went back to cooking something delicous for breakfast. After awhile, Amity joined us and I saw that she was already showered, dressed and had her hair in her usual top knot style.

She greeted momma with a good morning and thanked her for the coffee.

"How are you alive this early." I whined as she just gave me a peck on the cheek and told me it's her little secret.

After momma gave us our breakfast and I did my daily routine, the four of us made our way to Hexside to drop off Amity.

I was fully awake now and was happily hold my girlfriends hand as I ramble about what I learned during my lesson yesterday. She told me abit about Hexside and her classes which sounded really awesome!

"You mean your teacher is carried around by his abomination?"

She nods and smiles softly," Yes, though no one knows why. Anyway my favorite places on campus is actually the Bard room and the library. Skara always asks me to come listen to her songs."

Momma was behind us while we talked, making sure that King doesn't wonder off.

When we finally got to the campus of Hexside, my jaw drops at the sheer size and elegance of it. The whole school reminded me of a prestigious boarding school I went to in Salisbury but it didn't even hold a flame to this!

"Holy shit... T-This is your school!?!"

Amity gave me a surpsied look as momma was the one to speak.

"Yup hun, welcome to Hexside School of Magic and Demonics one of the three best school on the Isles next to St.Epiderm and Gladus. Now come along I have to chat with old Bumpkins about something."

I was a bit nervous to enter the school, I mean you would too at how intimidating it was!

Amity gave my hand a gentle squeeze and a quick kiss on the cheek," I'll be here with you the whole time. I do believe I promised a certain sunshine about the Bard room-."


Momma, King and Amtiy laugh at my attempts at trying to pull Amity's arm to make her walk faster. Curse you weak nerd arms!!!!

I tried again for about three minutes and gave up with a pout as Amity said she would show me the room before classes start but in the meantime time she tells me about Hexside and it's history as we made our way to the principals office.

Eda's P.O.V

I watched as the two love birds talked about the school. I couldn't help but smile more as Luz loved how Amity would answer her questions with positive feedback as Amity loved how physically affectionate Luz is with her and giggles at how silly she was.

I knew the two would be a great match and not because of the obvious dancing around eachother. Odalia had always been a bitch even back in my school days. She would manipulate, threaten and even get physical if nothing went her way and it didn't help that she was the top student for the oracle track.

Alador, the poor bastard, was married off to her as an business agreement between their families. He wanted nothing to do with her and wanted to just be with Darius and tinker with his inventions. I still remember the only time I've seen him cry and since I was one of his only few friends. I comforted him and told him that one day everything will be okay.

Then when I saw how Odalia treated him and little by little he started to become like an abomination, following her orders and distancing himself from everyone but her and her friends.

Amity reminded me so much of him as a witchling. Studious, ambitious, strong willed, and kept to herself unless she was with friends. Though her mother was so close to taking all that away just so her daughter can be a coven leader.

It was thanks to Luz that she finally had something to fight for and she did. She didn't care if she was disowned for her rebelliousness, but she wanted her life and live it as how she saw fit.

'The things people do for love.' I thought as we finally made it to the Bumpy's office.

I turn to the two witchling and I handed King to his sister," I'm going to talk to Bumpy for a moment so Minty is in charge of both of you. So behave and if you do misbehave make sure not to get caught. I leave it to you Minty and watch out for King, he loves to dig through trashcans."

Amity promises and guided the two towards the Bard wing and once I knew they were out of ear shot, I kicked open the door with a massive grin on my face.

"Oooooh Bumpy!! I'm back!!"

The Titan's Giftsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें