Chapter Nineteen

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I step off the coach with my group, happy to be back at the hotel. My eyes attempt to rest but I'm quick to realise what's happening. I rub my face as the world slows around me.

The familiar voice of my teacher removes me from my trance.

"When we get into the hotel I want you all to go up to your rooms and get ready for dinner! Dress nice and be out of the hotel by 7:30!"

Oh yeah.. The dinner..

I follow my friends sticking close to Moonbyul.

I wonder what our hotel room will be like.

A smile rests on my face as we make out way up the stairs. My hand moves along the rails as I occasionally tune into the conversation.

What should I wear..?

I have a couple of good outfits..

I stop infront of our hotel room waiting in anticipation as Solar opens the door. A big luxurious room with three king sized beds spread around the room. Our suitcases sit in the middle of the room.

"Holy shit! This is amazing!"

We all walk in looking around the room. I collapse onto a bed that sits in front of a massive window.

"I dibs this bed.."

My body eases into the bed imedietly getting comfy. My face lightens as Moonbyul lays next to me, a grin on her face.

"So, What should we wear for the dinner?"

I look over at Hwasa as she brings up a good point?"

"I don't care what I wear. I just wanna see what food they have~"

I sit up giggling agreeing with Wheein as our stomachs growl in anticipation of the meal to come.

"I'm starving.."

I watch my lover as she gets up bringing over our suitcases.

"These beds are super comfy.. And I have a whole bed to myself~"

I shake my head at Solar as she spreads out on her bed.

"Speaking of beds, I don't want to hear anything from you guys this trip. Keep it PG please. Others sleep here"

We erupt into uncontrollable laughter at Solars relatively innocent statement.

"No promises~"

Hwasa winks at Solar playfully as she moves closer to Wheein making kissy noises. I look through my luggage for an appropriate outfit.

I have.. A long silk dress! It's form fitting and pretty so it will do.

I pull it out making sure it is in good condition. I look over at the others seeing what they picked.

Solar picks out a long fitted black dress with gems embroidered into it. It's elegant and really fits her.

Wheein lifts out a gorgeous flow blue dress that is shorter at the front. It is very pretty and suits her.

Hwasa brings out a stunning short black fitted dress. She would definitely look amazing in that.

As for Moonbyul.. She has a red suit with a black button up. Holy.. I can NOT wait to see her in that..

Hey Moomoos~ Sorry this chapter is short my cat recently passed and there is a lot happening in my personal life right now. I hope you enjoyed this chappie though! Get ready for the next 👀

Word count: 531

Cheese In The Trap | A Moonbyul X Reader FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon