Homecoming (f!Reader)

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In which Eddie, with the help of his friends, throws an impromptu homecoming for the reader before the world goes to shit.

Eddie would like to think that you see him as a worthy companion. Despite the fleeting nature of your constant hallway rendezvous, he'd like the think that you've forged a bond strong enough for you to be, at the very least, okay with the idea that a D&D playing delinquent could possibly be in love with you.

But every time he comes face to face with the woman of his dreams, anxiety stays his tongue, and all he can do is play suave as he watches the most brilliant girl to grace Hawkins High stress out about being late to her next class.

The school bell chimes and it disrupts any attempt to diverge from the usual routine. Instead, he falls back into old habits, finding his shoulder pressed against the locker beside yours, an amiable smile on his lips.

"Hey Ivy League."

"Munson," you reply, eyes barely sliding to his in greeting, "Need a couple pennies for the laundromat?"

Eddie resists the urge to display confusion: are you trying to tell a joke he's just too daft to understand? You're merciful and point at his chest.

"This is your third day in a row wearing that shirt."

Eddie recovers quickly, a playful tilt of his head. "Have you considered that I might own three identical Hellfire shirts?"

The corner of your lip quirks. Your face is already perfect when placid, but when you're beaming with joy? Mirth birthed by him? It's something so beautiful he doesn't think he should be allowed to see without paying an entrance fee.

"Like a cartoon character?" You quip, "No outfit changes until the holiday special?"

He shrugs. "What can I say, I'm dedicated to playing the best background character in your life."

"You give yourself too little credit."

"Oh?" Eddie crosses his arms, leaning closer, his big, brown, eyes playfully conspiratorial. "Pray tell, what illustrious role would I play?"
Your eyes dart to his forearms, punctuated with ring-heavy fingers, and you lose focus for a second.

Then the second bell goes off, and panic seizes you.

"The guy who always makes me late to class," You tease, though a tension has entered your body, and you slam your locker a little too hard.

Eddie knows he should let you go. You're busy enough without satisfying his need for your unwavering attention. Still, he can't help but reach out and catch your arm as you turn away.



He can hear himself saying it in his head.

"(Y/n), you look really pretty today. Don't stress about your finals or all the stupid clubs you've joined for extra college credit. You're smart and funny and basically an angel in a person, and I've fallen head over fuckin' heels for you even though we couldn't be more opposite."

Instead, he panics, and his mouth moves so slowly that he can feel time chipping away, only making things worse for the both of you.

"Given any more thought to my offer?" He blurts.

"I-" You puff out a terse breath, "I'd like to, truly, but with my final exams and extra credit projects coming up, on top of homecoming committee-"

"I get it," He says, and means it, "Your future's more important than a D&D session."

He feels his cheeks heat as you give him a tight smile. "Ask me once the semester's over."

Your words spur an idea in his head: a way to say how he feels without really saying it. You can either brush it off as him being eccentric, or you can read into it if you want to.

Eddie Munson x Reader CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now