Chapter 1

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- P R E P A R A T I O N -

Lea immediately ripped the paper from the notebook and threw it to her trash can. She hates it when her letters aren't aligned well.

From these sentences, you can now guess that Lea might be perfectionist, yeah, she is. “Lea, why aren't you sleeping yet?” She looked up from her notebook and saw lady who manages the orphanage, Hannah.

“I just can't sleep, and my handwriting is making me more stressed. I just wanna write down my thoughts.”

Hannah smiled softly at her before sitting down to the chair next to Lea. “You know, I somehow see myself in you.” Lea was confused.

“What? But don't you have parents, why would you see yourself from an orphan like me? Left by my parents in a random street just to get rid of me.”

Her tone might be harsh, but it's because of her anger to her parents. If they can't raise her, they could've not made her. That's what she thought.

Hannah placed her left hand of Lea's back. “Lea, things are not as easy as is seems. We don't know your parents might have a reason to do that.” She couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

“I saw myself in you because as you can see, I am always lonely for my parents are workaholics. They loved their booming business so much to the point that they already forgot they have a child at home.”

She became intrigued and started putting her things away just to look at Hannah while she's talking.

“I am also known to be a loner. I might not be good in my studies but I am always fond of kids. I saw some of them in the streets, they are really innocent. That's when an idea of building a home for orphan kids came up to my mind.”

“I shared it to my parents and they fortunately supported me.” Lea just kept nodding. She got some tears ready to fall so Lea immediately wiped them. She smiled at the younger girl and patted her head.

“I always saw you being alone. But I know you have more creative mind than I do. I just hope your parents will come find you again, and be happy.” Lea just looked down at her feet.

“I don't think I have a reason to leave this place.” Hannah was taken aback from what she just said. “And why is that dear?”

There is 0% hope someone will search for someone like me...

“I just like being here, with you. Why are you tired of seeing my face every single day?” She jokingly asked which made Hannah smile wider. “I would love for you to stay. But first, sleep, you still have class tomorrow.”

Hannah brought the girl to her bed and tucked her in, leaving after placing a kiss on her forehead.

I wish you are my mom, Hannah


“Did your already found the information of the girl?” A guy with an eyeglasses asked while brushing his hair back. “Not yet sir.”

“We should hurry up, we'll have to bring her back as soon as possible just like the young master requested.” The man sitting infront the computer nodded and continued doing his job.

After the long silence, the sound of footsteps echoed across the room. She tied her hair up. “Gotten what Jacob has asked you guys?” She asked softly with her calm voice, seemed pretty harmless.

“Not yet, we are still working on it. That orphanage's system isn't as easy to hack as we thought it would be.” The guys replied, head hanging low.

She clicked her tongue. “What do you expect? They are handling kids without parents. Hurry up or one of you...” She didn't have to continue her words to make them shudder in fear.

“We will.” She nodded and smiled as if she didn't threatened them something. She then made her way out of the room. The two guys sighed in relief.


“Did you guys did her room?” The same woman asked the maids piled up, bowing infront of her. “Yes ma'am.” “Good.”

She left and the maids immediately huddled together. “Why is young lady Marie so strict all of a sudden?” A maid asked while looking around to see if she's still there.

“I don't know but I think it's because their lost sister is coming back home. Maybe they just want the best for her then after that, back to normal?” The older maid said.

“I'm jealous for their sister.” “Why are you all gossiping and nor doing your work?” The head maid came. They immediately hanged their heads low.

“You know young master Jacob hates procrastination. Now, back to work.” They flew in different directions. She sighed.

She was about to do her own job when she saw her favorite member of the family coming towards her. “Lady Ely, do you need anything?” She politely asked.

The girl smiled. “Please drop the Lady, you have taken care for me for years, Ely is fine.” She hugged her. “Is everything fine?”

She froze for a moment before backing away. “Everything is fine. Nothing to worry. Please take care.” The maid found it odd for her to talk like that but she shrugged it off. “I will Ely.”

“I'm still more jealous to the head maid, I mean, Lady Eloise is hard to please.” The Anna, another maid whispered to her co-workers while hiding in the corner.

They all agreed and went their way when Anna got pulled by someone and somehow didn't see the light again.


To be continued....


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