{The start of a new school}

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|3rd person|



"1 more minute..." Y/n groaned as he shut off his alarm. Today is Y/n's first of his third year in high school.

'INCOMING CALL FROM: Miracle boy Satori'

Accept                                                                              decline

"Damn it Satori---" Y/n said after answering the call. "Good morning to you too, sunshine~. I'm just calling to make sure you get up because I know how you are." Tendo chirped on the other side of the phone.

"yeah, yeah.." Y/n mumbled, rubbing his eyes. He could barely sleep last night due to the amount of thinking and promising himself to make sure he is at least something good to his kouhai. "Hurry your ass up, I'm outside and it's hella cold!" Tendo yelled through the phone.

"Hold Your Ass cheeks!" Y/n yelled. "I'll be out in a minute." the H/c boy added.

"OH! By the way I met one of the new first years~" Tendo sang in a melodic tune.

"Whats their name?" Y/n asked.

"Goshiki Tsutomu! His hair reminds me of my past hair style."  You could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Bowl-cut? awh, thats cute I guess." Y/n said which Tendo felt a sudden rush of sadness, but that ended not long after the boy Tendo was waiting on showed up in the doorway with a tired look on his face. Tendo has not told anyone about who he liked, but the person he liked was Y/n. He loves Y/n. Every little thing about him.

"Y/nn~" Tendo said, wrapping you in his arms.

"Tendo~" He mocked, ruffling the red heads hair.

 You two kept playing around while walking to school.

{Time skip brought to you by my Aoi<3} your povLunch. Finally, free period. Maybe I can finally hang out with Tend--- 

"Hey, Watch where you're going!-- oh.. hey Y/n senpai." Shirabu said. He looked pissed off about something, then you saw and heard why. Several girls were commenting harshly on his hair.

"Hey Shiru, have you seen Tendo?" I asked the copper hair.

"Yeah he is hanging out with the rest of the team, why?" he asked me. 

"I was thinking I could eat lunch with him, but if he is busy then I guess I can go eat by myself." I said 

"Can you help? No matter what I say they still pick on my hair and I for one do not like the comments." He asked.

"Oi! Leave my Kouhai's hair alone you snotty asses!" I spat.

I go off looking for Tendo, leaving Shirabu with a face of relief and the group of girls in shock.

Tendo's Pov

"Wakatoshi-kun, are you excited to be the new captain?" I said to my dear friend.

"I assume you are excited for this year?" he asked, Semi seemed to lose interest in our conversation.

"Yup!~" I said with a smile.

"Tendo, were is Y/n?" Reon asked.

"I.. don't know honestly." I said with my smile turning into a thinking face.

"Tendo, you like him.. don't you?" Yamagata asked me, my face turned into a shocked.

 "HEH?? W-why do you say that?!" My face felt really hot, I turn my head to see Y/n getting his food. My face felt even hotter.

"It's obvious as hell" Semi said with an unamused look.

"You blush every time you see him or even mention his name, you get overly protective when someone teases him or even hurts him, do I have to say more?" Semi said tiredly, he wasn't ready for school at all..

I huffed. I heard Y/n call out to me once he actually saw me, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

I love Y/n with all of my heart, when I move I want to take him with me, get a house together, maybe even get married.. We can both get jobs, adopt a kid or two if he wants one. Then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"can I eat with you guys?" Y/n asked

"N--" "Yes! of course you can Y/n-kun!" I said before Tachi. 

"ok thanks" Y/n smiled, I felt like my head was going to be a puddle of water soon..

I love him.. 

(hey! this is a note, just let me see if people actually want me to continue. I hope you have a great day/afternoon/night, please stay safe! Make sure to eat, drink water, and sleep<3 - Author)


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