Goose placed his bottle on the bar turning so he was fully facing me, leaning down a little to get almost eye level with me, looking me deep in the eye,

"Because, you both probably think this friendship is too good to mess up, your both worried that if you stepped over that line you both won't be the same as you are now, and Mav, he probably worries that Mine and his friendship will change, when Rosie out of every man I have seen hit on you, that I have seen you date, Mav is, and I mean this when I say this, is the only person I ever wanna see you with, but I want you two to find that out on your own and not have me pushing you together,"

I took in his words, knowing they were true, it is the one thing I worry about, but I never thought Mav would feel the same way, I closed my eye for a moment before opening them again having Goose still looking at me, not wanting to look at him anymore I looked over to where Mav was still talking to the woman but even then I could not look at that knowing what may happen with them,

This has to be the only moment in my life I wish I drank alcohol.

"Goosie, I ... I don't know what to do Goosie, your right, as always but, I can't"

I did not know what I was trying to say, and I think Goose know that, putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me into a hug, kissing the top of my head, whispering it's going to be ok into my hair.

As we hugged I did not see Mav getting up and making his way back over to us,

"Everything ok?"

He asked getting to our side, Goose pulled away answering before I could think of anything to say, I just looked at Mav blankly, waiting for him to say he was leaving with his new lady friends,

"She just sleepy that's all, you know what she like, works too hard that she can never have fun"

As Goose spoke he messed up my hair, Mav looked at me giving me a sweet smile, moving close to me taking my arms and pulling me into him, hugging me as well, Thank you Mother Goose for being fast-thinking,

"Well we best get you home then sweetheart"

I pulled away from him, smiling pulling my glass down, I do feel sleepy but I like being out with the boys,

"It's fine Mav, Goose and I can head home, You go have fun with your lady friend"

I tell him, to which he makes a funny face, shaking his head.

"Believe it or not, it didn't work out, I guess she is not that into the best of the best pilots"

My first thought in hearing Mav saying that was, Has she been hit on the head,

"WooW Drinks are on you next time, don't think just because we are not drinking them now that you're get away with it, Really she was not interested, You must be losing your touch Mav"

Goose said laughing hitting Mav on the shoulder.

As we headed out of the Bar Mav Picked up his brown leather bomber Jacket that he, Like a smart person had taken with him knowing the nights can get cold when the sun goes down, but instead of putting it on, he opened it up the inside facing me, telling me to put my arms in, I did what I was told, ones my arms were in Mav came to stand in fount of me pulling the zipper up, but stopping just belove my collar bone.

"I can zip a jacket up Mav"

I tell him as I pull the slaves up so they were not hanging off my arms, not my first time in this Jacket but it still makes me laugh on the inside at how big it is on me, am starting to believe everything is big on me and my twig body,

"Just being a gentleman sweetheart"

Mav replied putting his arm around my shoulder and leading us out of the bar, the walk home was not long but it was nice, I kept asking Mav if he was cold and wanted his Jacked back but he always answered No, But Goose would say Yes asking when it was his turn to get the Jacket and if I moved to take it off Mav would take a hold of my arms with his free hand to stop me, telling Goose he should have taken a jacket with him,

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