Immediately, Augustine began crying in Eloise's arms as she stared at him with a mix of fear and shock at the tiny human.

"Do not mind your auntie Eloise, she's too busy reading to notice anything else, as usual," Eleanora said, making her way to put Eloise out of her misery and taking the baby from her. "Spend some time with your auntie Nora!" she beamed, smiling brightly at the child and bouncing him up and down. She walked over to the brothers, maintaining her cheery voice for the baby. "Say hello to your uncles, Augie!"

Anthony's face beamed at seeing Eleanora handle a child, wondering how splendid of a mother she'd be once she got married. As Anthony gently pinched Augustine's plump cheeks, Eleanora continued cooing, babbling, and humming to amuse the child. She never knew how much joy a child could bring until Daphne birthed Augustine and had occasionally let her watch the son.

She glanced up at Anthony, who was smiling at the sight of her holding the child. "What is it?" she asked skeptically.

"I've never seen you so cheerful until now," he answered honestly, continuously smiling for Augustine.

"Yes, well, maybe if I learned to coo and babble at you to make you happy, I'd most definitely be beaming cheerful more often," she teased, letting the viscount hold the baby. The sight gave Eleanora joyous butterflies in her stomach.

"Enjoying your brief respite from the ferocious packs of marriage-minded young ladies, Brother?" Daphne asked, approaching the two.

"Quite the opposite, Sister," Anthony answered. "I have invited one such young lady and her family to join us today." He handed Augustine back to Eleanora to focus more on his conversation with his sister.

"Anthony has invited a young lady to Aubrey Hall?" Daphne asked, turning to Violet.

"Yes, and she is quite lovely," her mother answered.

"My word!"

Anthony was practically bashful at the talk of Edwina and hearing how much his mother praised her and how surprised Daphne was of the news.

"Well, I cannot wait to meet the woman who has captured her heart," Daphne smiled. "Tell me, what is she like?"

"Miss Edwina is the picture of grace, beauty, and charm," Anthony answered.

Eleanora couldn't help but internally criticize the fact that that could practically describe any young lady in London.

"Unfortunately, she has a most annoying sister who has styled herself as something of a gatekeeper," the viscount continued. "I'm afraid you must all help me win over both sisters, if I am to find my bride."

"And now you appeal for help. My, you must be smitten by this miss," admired the duchess.

"Or, the sister is a formidable object indeed," Benedict chimed.

"Tougher to cross than the great wall of China," Eleanora smirked, continuing to rhythmically bounce Augustine on her knee.

"Fear not, Anthony," his sister assured. "Seeing as you were such a help to me last season, it would only be fair of me to return the favor."

"Is that a promise or a threat?" Anthony smirked.


"Now, the only reason to endure such a journey is to see my great grandson!" Lady Danbury beamed, as she exited the carriage in front of Aubrey Hall, met with Violet holding Augie. Everyone else piled out of the house to welcome the Sharmas.

As Kate stepped out of the carriage, Anthony spotted her smirking at the grand and overwhelming sight of Aubrey Hall. He descended down the stairs, determined that he would win over the sister's approval by the end of their stay in the country.

The Emerald ViscountessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora