Null giggled at Steve's facial expression, which was slowly growing to look more stressed. She figured he'd have gray hair showing up soon on the path he was on. The wires between Eddie's fingers sparked, and the engine sputtered to life, which was soon followed by angry protests of the actual owner's, sending everyone into panic.

"It's just a car," Steve tried to calm himself down. "Everybody, hang on to something!"

Eddie plopped down into one of the chairs behind the passenger seat, holding on to the headrest behind him. Null sat behind Eddie, deciding to hold on his hands. Eddie looked over his shoulder to see Null smiling at him adoringly, making him mirror her expression as he looked down on her.

"Oh my God! Let's go! Let's go!"

"Drive, Steve! Drive!" Dustin yelled.

"Go, go, go!" Robin urged.

"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!" Lucas yelled.

"Shit, they look pissed," Dustin commented.

"It's not every day you lose your house and car in one fell swoop," Robin noted.

Eddie stood from his seat to be closer to Null, and she stood up to meet him.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Steve yelled.

Null wrapped her arms around Eddie's neck, once again holding on to him, as he extended both of his arms to grip the sides of the RV, bracing the both of them. As they pulled out of the trailer park and the RV steadied, Null looked up at Eddie to find him smiling at her, his eye's sparkling with amusement. She couldn't help herself as she laughed off the pure adrenaline of the last few minutes, and he chuckled with her, moving his arms to wrap them around her.

Soon enough the group settled in for the trip, and Eddie sat down on the couch on the side of the RV, pulling Null into his lap, nestling his head into her shoulder from behind. "You can rest, you know," he told her, brushing the hair out of her face.

"But you're here," she mumbled. "How ever am I supposed to relax around you."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out. Rest, I'll still be here when you wake up," he reassured her.

Null moved a bit, nestling into Eddie further. She ended up using his chest as a pillow, letting his scent of leather, cigarette and sweat wash over her, somehow distracting her from thinking too deeply.


Null stirred once she felt the RV stop, faintly hearing people leaving it, then hearing nothing at all but the heartbeat of the man she was laying on.

"Rise and shine, angel," Eddie murmured, causing her to look up at him.

Null was annoyed at how peaceful he could look, merely moments from total terror.

"What if I want to sink and be dull?" She questioned, refusing to get up.

"Well that's be impossible. You? Dull? That'll never happen," he said as he started to lift her up, her cooperating halfway through.

After she got done stretching, they joined the group outside, settling for helping Dustin make shields.

"That you making all that noise over here?" Null asked Dustin as she sat down in the grass.

Dustin stopped banging nails in the trash can cover before asking, "That was a rhetorical question, right?"

Null rolled her eyes. Eddie began to make his own shield, only to be stopped by Null. "Where's mine?"

"Oh! That reminds me," Eddie began fishing around in his pockets. "Here," he thrust several candy bars towards Null.

"I'm not following," Null replied as she looked down into her hands which were full with a couple Snickers, Reese's peanut butter cups and one Twix bar.

"Well you're our superpower weapon," Dustin explained. "Eddie made us stop for your specific kind of fuel."

"Very nice," Null commented, giving Eddie a thankful look. He winked at her in return.

Null laid down in the grass, letting the sun bask over her as she munched on the chocolate.

"How's she feeling?" Dustin asked Eddie as he finished making his spiked shield.

Eddie played with it a bit before answering, "light, but durable. Deadly, but reliable."

Dustin chuckled.

"Hear me now," Eddie thrust out his hand towards Dustin, starting his theatrics. Null propped herself up on her elbows to watch him. "There will be no more retreating...from Eddie the Banished."

"Hey, you're really ready for Bat-tle," Dustin joked, before laughing at his own joke. Null rolled her eyes and groaned, while Eddie looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. "You get it? Bat-tle. B-A-T. No?" Dustin dropped his shield, missing the lunging position Eddie was starting to take, making Null grin in anticipation. "I thought I had a good one."

Eddie yells before throwing himself at Dustin.

"What are you doing?" Dustin pushes back.

Eddie throws Dustin, making Dustin run back at him. "You son of a bitch!" They wrestled around for a bit, until Eddie's hand get uncomfortably close to Dustin's lower back. "No wedgies! No wedgies!"

Eddie stood up, grabbing Dustin by the face. "Never change, Dustin Henderson. Promise me?"

"I wasn't planning on it," Dustin answers.

"Good," Eddie replies. "Goooood."

"Good," Dustin and him laugh.

Eddie then plops down next to Null in the grass, seemingly enjoying the peaceful afternoon with her. Though of course, he wouldn't allow peaceful bliss for long, soon beginning a tickling attack on Null, causing her to laugh and protest, soon leaving the couple rolling over each other in the grass, laughing maniacally.

Eventually Eddie gives in to Null's protests, and the two lay next to each other, observing one another. They didn't feel the need to speak any words, they only wanted to memorize the features of their faces, for fear one might not make it out leaving them without a face to look into.

 They didn't feel the need to speak any words, they only wanted to memorize the features of their faces, for fear one might not make it out leaving them without a face to look into

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Alright so over the past couple days I've kind of realized that as the Eddie part of this story comes to a conclusion, that I don't really love this story as I'd planned to. So, My plan is to finish this story as I intended to, then I'm going to completely rewrite it. I'll leave a more updated a/n later when I have it all planned out, but just a heads up for now.


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