The Date Pt.1

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you woke up this morning with a message from Brian. well, not a message. a paragraph.

'hey Y/N. i feel like a bad person for just asking you out through a text. im sorry. to start our relationship off right, i wanna take you out on a date. not a boring one at a resturant or a bar cuz Hector told me you hate those kinds of dates. so im gonna take you on a date to a massive car meet. i hope you'll like it. were taking both our cars to show off and to obviously race there. be ready tonight by 12:00 pm'

he was so sweet. to bad your gonna kick his ass when you race to the meet. you couldnt wait for tonight.

time skip

it was now 12:00 pm. you werent the type of person to wear dresses so you just wore some black ripped jeans and a black crop top as you didnt wanna spend ages planning an outfit.


Brian texted you. 'hey, im outside' you quickly got your shoes and coat on as you grabbed your car keys, heading for the door. you went out your front door, locking it behind you.

"hey beautiful." Brian said as he stood infront of you.

"hi Brian." you smiled as you looked into his sparkling, ocean blue eyes as he looked into yours. you could easily get lost in his eyes, but suddenly your thoughts got interupted when he spoke.

"you ready to go?"

"yep. im gonna kick your ass!" you both laughed as you got into your cars. he sent you the directions to the car meet as you both started driving. 

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