Chapter 1

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Arie's POV

If im being completely honest sometimes I wonder what decisions I made that brought me to the life I am in today. I've made so many that now I am left with complete confusion and regret, depressing huh?

Surprisingly enough im only 17

I cant blame all my misery on my decisions but also my parents decisions collectively they all drew the path to my "journey"

I've learned to forgive them but if you would of asked me about my parents before I would of laughed and said fuck them.

"Arie" my mother interrupts my thoughts.

I sigh and head down to the living room were I spot my mom in the kitchen.

"What's up?" I ask

"We have visitors tonight, a friend and business partner of your father is brining their family here for a dinner so if we can all look our best tonight that would be great" my mother says looking a little nervous. Which could only mean this is serious GREAT. I nod and head back to my room.

I definitely have options im not going to lie and say I don't yes my parents are a pain but they have their own business and provide pretty well for me.

Im looking for something fancy yet comfortable I don't want to spend hours uncomfortable sitting at a table with probably most likely stuck up people. Finally after about 10 minutes of thinking I find the perfect thing to wear, I stare at myself in the mirror seeing how my purple hair has faded and needs a touch up seeing as how I have accouple of hours I grab my hair dye and things I need and get to touching it up, might as well.

After about half an hour im done out of the shower and styling my hair and doing my make up, finally after 30 minutes my hair looks good so does my make up I start putting my outfit on which consist of some black skinny jeans a top and blazer feeling accomplished and "professional" I start heading down to the living room were I hear my parents greeting people already.

I look at my parents then at them I see a man who is my fathers friend and his wife next to him they both look the same age as my parents, surprisingly they don't look as fancy as I would of imagined.

I look behind them and see 2 identical humans a guy and a girl assuming their twins, they look about my age they both look like their mother. I look beside them and for a slight moment its like my brain forgets to let me know to breath, you know when you see someone who you never thought you'd ever see again yet their here in front of you.

That was happening in this moment

I re gain myself and start greeting them, when I reach him I wonder if he even remembers me after all its been 2 years a lot has changed since then. Everyone is to busy talking to each other to even notice what's happening, I look at him and he looks at me and he smiles.

"Arie?" he says, well more like asks

I smile "Hi Caden, I didn't know if you'd remember me from that night"

"How could I, I haven't been able to have a conversation with anyone the way I did with you that night" he says looking down.

I remember that night so well we had started talking over the fact that he was wearing a my chemical romance shirt and how iconic the band is. Everything after that was us talking about ourselves and life, I remember how much in common we had over mental health topics and how we were both struggling with everything.

"Neither have I honestly" I reply.

We get brought back by my parents calling us to the table I glance at him again and we both head to the table. We get put in front of each other in the corner thankfully, id hate to be in the middle of all the conversations between the business men and the women that handle everything unrelated to that. Every once in awhile I find myself glancing up at him, he was still as handsome as the day I met him he had just gotten taller now I caught him looking back at me most of the times that id glance at him which made my face feel warm. Curious to know if he was looking back because he felt me looking or because he was like me and just kept wanting to look at each other.

After the dinner the parents scrambled together leaving us "kids" alone. We do have a game room so that's were the twins ended up their bond is something I wish I had but im an only child, I looked at Caden "Do you want to go outside? we can sit in the chairs outside" I say

"Sure lets go"

we both get up walking toward the outside were we had my parents perfect backyard, thankful that they at least had some style to were it was comfortable to hang out. We sit next to each other in the beanbags.

"How's it been? I know the last time we talked was accouple of years ago" he asks looking at me now ready for my answer

"I've been living, honestly not very much to me, im very much just trying to survive and you?" I look back at him

"Same, I've been making some rough decision lately, also my parents think im crazy"

"What do you mean?" I ask

"I got caught getting high by my mom with some girl in my backyard, in my defense they were supposed to be out for the whole night, its not that big of deal but you know our parents sometimes our image can damage them so.."

"I hate that but what can we do right" I sigh "So the girl is she your girlfriend?"

he laughs " well not really, we've definitely have had our fun but no she's just a friend" "you? do you have someone special?"

"No, I just ended a 1 year relationship actually " I say

"What happened?"

"I found him cheating on me with one of our "best friends" and well I lost him and one of my friends" he puts his hand on my knee and that makes me stare at his hand and then back at his face.

"What a stupid guy then, he lost a great girl"

"How do you know im a great girl we've only ever really talked one night and well just now as well"

"I just know you are, I can look in your eyes and see it"

"Its crazy huh? how our parents are best mates and we just now met each other again because of it" I say

"Some people are meant to be in your life, I guess this is the universe saying we're meant to be besties right?" he laughs

"Right" I say laughing as well.


New Story,Not Connected to My Other Series At Frist Sight and Home which are both Connected. Check those out as well!!!!

So excited for you all to read their Story :) - Janie

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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