II: CEO Sung

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Y/n sits crossed legged at her seat at the center of the conference table as the members of the Board of Directors gathered into the room, all taking their respective seats.

"Is everyone here?" Y/n glances around, it seems like no one is missing. "Good, we shall begin now, yes?"

The B of D all nod their heads, taking out the reports they need for this meeting.

"The first presenter, please go up and present your presentation." Y/n says, taking her notes out.

Right now the room felt tense as Y/n had shown no emotion on her face, her piercing amber eyes watching every detail keenly. The presenter anxiously walked up, clutching their papers tightly between their arms.

To the public, Y/n was known as a sharp, bold, and reserved Ceo who was relentless in achieving what she wanted. She would be determined to accomplish and succeed the goals she set for herself, no matter the price. That's what the Sung family represented- determination, devotion, and triumph. She would have to rule with an iron fist if she had to.

After the presenter finished, they waited for Y/n's signal to sit back down.

"So, your plan is to invest into a project that we haven't even confirmed yet?" Y/n summarizes the presentation, eyeing the presenter who seemed like they could almost piss themselves.


"That was a rhetorical question," Y/n sighs, leaning back in her seat. "Next," She signals for the next presenter to go up. Sometimes she liked to mess around with her employees and see them tremble under her gaze, she was a bit sadistic like that.

The first person walks down to their seat, they could still feel their whole body tremble as they sit down, still feeling the fright of standing up there. The next person was just as nervous, maybe even more after witnessing what happened to the first presenter.

The meeting went up until the last presenter ended their presentation. Everything went smoothly, which was a relief to everyone in the room, well, except Y/n.

"So, what do you all feel about the presentations?" Y/n questions them, her golden amber eyes scanning the room.

"I- I think everything went smoothly. The presenters summarized the reports and added additional information and ideas. It was well done." A man towards the left of Y/n answers a bit hesitantly.

"Hm, so you believe that we should invest into the new project for Jeju-do?" Y/n asks, flipping back into her notes.

"If we manage to implement the new ecosystem idea into Jeju-do, the farmlands will thrive and we'll receive even more goods and resources in return." Someone else from her right side states.

Y/n agrees with that statement. It would surely benefit them in one way or another, but this project was going to be big and a big project like this comes with a hefty cost. "If we do continue on with this project we'll need people to invest, the money that will be needed will be quite a sum."

Everyone nods in agreement. Murmurs spread across the room, discussing if they should do it or not.

Y/n looked around the room, some wanted to continue while others didn't."How about this? We'll put this project on-hold." Y/n suggests, leaning back in her leather seat. Everyone falls silent, listening to Y/n's idea. "Rather, we should focus on building our foundation for the new construction plan that we had already started in Gangnam-gu."

Once again, murmurs spread through the meeting room. The Gangnam-gu project was one that they had multiple meetings on, it was an idea held for a couple of months in the "ideas" section. They had decided to go ahead and tackle this project a few months ago and now that the construction of the building was done, they could figure out a strategy on how to hire and promote their new idea to the public.

"Is everyone good with this idea?" No one seemed to object to it.

"Good, we'll have the Marketing Department promote the new idea. Also tell the Human Resources Department to start putting out posters for open jobs in that area." Y/n states. Everyone hastily takes down notes and reminders.

"Anything else anyone else has to say before this meeting ends?" No one spoke and it was a relief, she was sure that everyone just wanted to leave by now.

Y/n nods, "Meeting adjourned, everyone remember to finish everything you need to do by our next meeting."

She waits as the last person leaves and closes the door behind them before loosening herself. Y/n groaned inwardly, feeling tired as hell after the hour long meeting.

Ring Ring Ring

"Hello?" Y/n picks up the call.

"Hey, it's me."

"Well hey to you too Sua." Y/n chuckles into the phone. "What do you need?"

"I can't call my favorite cousin?" Sua sounded offended.

"Seriously though, you don't usually call if it isn't serious." Y/n laughs a little, tired from the meeting.

"Well, I think I know who your father arranged you with."

"Eh? Already?" Y/n says in surprise, the tiredness immediately vanishing from her.

Sua was known to be on the techy side of things, she could do a lot of seriously damaging things if you wanted her to do so.

"Well your parents have been talking to our parents about it since way before, but I only got the idea when your father was hinting something, so in short I decided to research the person myself out of curiosity." Sua explains through the phone.

"Tell me, who is it?" Y/n asks, now very intrigued. Even though this marriage wasn't something Y/n was particularly excited about, she still wanted to know who her fiancée was.

Y/n could hear some clicking of a keyboard on the other side of the phone before a notification pops up on her phone.

"There, I already sent you all the information you need to know about the person in your email. I sent an extra copy to your phone for easier purposes." Sua responds shortly after.

"Thanks, I wouldn't know what to do without you," Y/n thanks her cousin.

"Pft, you'll be helpless if I wasn't here. I'll be going now, I still have some things to attend to."

"Already, see you," Y/n ends the call.

She opens her laptop and clicks on the email that Sua had sent her. Y/n's eyes widen in an instant.

'Myoui Mina, heiress Myoui corporation.' A name that Y/n was all too familiar with, but again, who wouldn't know the famous Myoui family?

They're a highly influential family, owning dozens of dozens of companies all over the world, not just in South Korea. But what the Myoui family was most famous for was their achievements in the entertainment industry. They have owned anything from idols all the way to models and actors. All the best of the best A-list celebrities have some kind of connection to Myoui corporation these days.

If the Sung's counted as high society, then the Myoui's were gods. They've been topping the charts as the richest and most powerful company for over 5 years already, and now with Mina as the newest CEO? It was going to be unstoppable. In short, the Myoui's are a successful conglomerate business.

Y/n continues to further read the information on the Myoui's only daughter.

"A dominating female, described as a frigid and merciless boss."

The entertainment industry is practically thriving right now. A pretty big chunk of the high society elites and billionaires are either artists, actors, or models, so to have Mina as an all dominating CEO specializing in the show biz, she was ready to take all of the entertainment industry into her own hands.

"How did father even get them to agree to marry their only daughter into our family?" Y/n knows that there were better candidates out there, people who were even more successful than the Sung's, people who were richer and more powerful, people who could bring more fame and prosperity to the Myoui family.

Y/n could only question for now.

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