Chapter 4

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Sam and Tucker run out of the classroom. Just as they are about round a corner, they see Danny. The hide behind the wall and poke their heads out just enough to see Danny.
Danny then turns too Vlad, who had just appeared. He took out the hypnosis necklace and Danny stops moving.
"Doesn't being called a certifiably insane hurt you? It does, doesn't it? Everyone has said it too you once. Sam, Tucker, Jazz. All the people who claim to be your friend. They think you're crazy Danny. Don't let that control you. Finish them off, let then beg for mercy and you shall never be picked on again." Vlad puts it away and Danny goes ghost and fazes through the wall to find his friends.
When Jazz finally finds them, she tells them everything that happened.
"That's not right." Sam days when Jazz is done. "Why would Danny have fangs?"
"I don't know. Vlad has fangs. Maybe that's what happens when you turn into an evil ghost." Tucker suggests.
"No." Sam says. "Danny's not really evil, Tuck. He's just under the crystal balls power."
"Sam," Tucker says. "He destroyed that thing, remember? There is no way Freak Show could have remade it."
"Well then. Looks like we are going to Circus Dorkica after all." Jazz says, then she leaves for class. Sam and Tucker exchange looks, then head off to class.
"Hi Sam," said a deep voice. "Hey Tuck." They turn around, startled to see Danny Phantom in the hall, leaning on a locker. He still had his hood up, leaving his white hair barely peaking out.
"Hi." Tucker said. He looked at Sam, and she just shrugged. "Why are you, like, a ghost, man?" Tucker continues.
"I was board." Danny stands up. Sam and Tucker take a step back in unison.
"C'mon Sam, Tuck. I'm your friend remember." Danny walks towards them. "If you don't count the times you made me loose my memory, or leave me in the future all alone! Or even the time you though I went insane with Youngblood! I know you think I'm certifiably insane!" He smiles, his new fangs flowing.
"Dude, have you looked at yourself lately," Tucker says. "You look like you're certifiably insane." That's when something snapped inside Danny. He lunged at Tucker, his hood flying off of him in the process.
Tucker was right, Danny looked insane. There were deep bags under his eyes, and his hair was a mess. It looked like Danny hadn't slept for years! Sam ran for help as Tucker was hit with a ghost beam. Sam grabbed Danny just to be thrown off. He then fazed out of the hallway leaving Sam ad Tucker hurt.
"Are you ok?" Jazz yells as she runs towards them.
"Yeah..." Sam dusts herself off and helps Tucker up. They all make eye contact... But then they drop it.
Danny was officially gone forever.

Certified Insanity: a Danny Phantom fanficWhere stories live. Discover now