Chapter 22

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                                              Whitetail Mountains: Jacob's bunker

A massive wooden wall stood before the Ryes like a fortress. The large gates opened up relieving a village with some modern twists. Kodi led the Ryes towards the back of the village that rested against Jacob's bunker entrance like a cool dark cave. A large wooden table sat in the center of a courtyard- like area with other tables and places for campfires at night. Lights strung from house to house and even into the nearby trees. It was woodsy and whimsical, Carmina thought. The Ryes' eyes fell upon the Seed family from the Father to John and Faith and all their children with Jacob, still sporting his usual jacket, and Angel standing by the table watching the wolves and their pups play in the courtyard. Kodi approached his parents leaving the Ryes in the center to be greeted home by his mother, age barely taking a hold of her face, her blue eyes landed on the Ryes.

"Oh my god." Angel ran down to Kim scooping her up into a hug. "I've missed you so much!"

Kim hugged her back rocking her back and forth tears and smiles between the two women. "You look amazing!" She pushed Angel back to look her up and down. "Three kids?"

Angel laughed, brushing her wild hair back. "You know how it is." She winked before they both cracked up laughing. Even Jacob had a prideful smirk about him.

"Carmina, come meet your godmother!" Kim called her daughter over.

"Oh she's so beautiful," Angel teared up remembering the day she was born and had held her in her first few hours. "She was just a baby when I had last seen her. Now look at her so grown up and as gorgeous as her mother."

"And Kodi was causing you trouble." Kim elbowed Angel playfully. "Now he looks so much like his father."

"Takes after him too." Angel laughed and Kodi rolled his eyes, half sitting on the table.

"Mrs. Seed?" Carmina asked.

The name sent a shudder through Angel. "Oh, I haven't heard that name since my wedding day. Just call me Angel, honey."

"Angel," Carmina spoke nervously. "The highwaymen are taking over Falls End and we came here seeking your help."

Angel's expression went from light and bubbly to dark and serious. "Come, tell us everything." She led them to the table seated down across from the Father, John, Faith with Jacob and Angel standing behind them. Carmina was in awe to be meeting the legends of her father's tales of the old world before the collapse and Eden's Gate.

Kim and Nick told them everything and the Seeds had every right to be worried. They had planned for the threat Angel saw years ago but prayed the day would never come. Two red headed young women came up sitting on the end of the table top. The oldest had the lightest red ringlet hair as the other's darker colors looked more like a wavy sea of blood. They both dressed like soldiers sporting pistols in thigh holsters and compound bows. Clearly Jacob's daughters as they spoke with the wolf of the north informing him of their recon reports.

"The highwaymen are on our borders." Jacob announced. "They followed you here and are now asking to negotiate."

"Don't." Nick snapped. "That's what happened to pastor Jerome. They claim to negotiate and say they need supplies and in the night they attack, taking everything from under you."

"Are the leaders here?" Angel asked her daughters.

"Two female dark skin twins in dirt bike gear." Dakota answered. "They seem to be in charge. Asking the Chosen if they will be a solution or a problem."

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