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I assume that you all now understand what I was talking about earlier on. Meeting Collinwood could have been avoided if I had been smart enough. If it was not for him, we all would have most likely been home by this point of the story.

His ability to hide his true nature got me tricked though, so please do not blame me. If you could only imagine the two-facedness that he was so cunning at maintaining, you would have fallen for it too.

I must have spent weeks in his thrall because by the end of it, I had not been able to tell the date or what weekday it was. If it had not been for the Saturday market, I would have lost it.

And now that we are here, this is the part where the fun begins. The mysterious person that waved us out of Imogen's place? I will not spoil the surprise but all that happens from now on will be the work of him. If you are familiar with my friend Evanora's tale, you will certainly know who he will be.

Yet the thing that I like to remember – yes, can you believe that? – in these circumstances is the bad choice that Collinwood made that day. If it had not been for him leading us into the pub where I knew people, I would still remain in his thrall and perhaps, nothing would have come to be as it eventually did.

But enough of my talk. I am almost certain that you would like to see what and how everything transpired from this point forward. I will not take too much away but this is where the fun begins. The favourite part of my story... 

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