Chapter Six

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     I felt a light tickle on the tip of my nose as I finally began waking up. I scrunched my nose, and heard a deep and masculine chuckle in response. I smiled at the noise, finally willing my eyes open to stare at my mate. 

     His baby blue eyes were searching my own, memorizing my plain brown ones. We were laying in the bed, with his arm securely wrapped around my torso, pinning me to his chest. Not like I minded, though. He leaned in abruptly and kissed my nose once more. I blushed a scarlet red and looked away instantly. He just laughed. 

     "What time is it?" I asked. He pursed his lips. 

     "Going on 3 PM." He informed me, smiling. My eyes bulged. 

     "I've been asleep for... what? 5 hours? 4?" 

     "4 and a half, actually. You fell asleep at 10:30." I blushed again, for some reason embarrassed for being asleep for the majority of the first day of meeting him. "But, it's alright. You're adorable when you sleep." 

        I groaned and buried my head in his shirtless chest. His chest rumbled with another one of his laughs. Oh how I loved the deep timbre of his laugh. 

      "Are you hungry? I could get Aaron to bring you something." He told me. I shrugged. 

      "I could go get it. I mean, it isn't too much of a hassle." I offered, though grew worried when his body stiffened. I looked up at him, with my eye brows scrunch in confusion. "What's wrong?" 

     "He can bring it." He said finally, his voice carrying a serious undertone that warned me not to argue. I watched him for a moment longer, but then hesitantly placed my head back on his shoulder. 

     "Has the news spread?" I asked, my voice low. I hadn't thought about the world knowing. But, he was the main topic of major conversations because of his mate-less status... And now that I've changed that, I guess I'm the topic now.

     He sighed, resting his chin on the top of my head. "They've surrounded the pack house, if that's what you're asking."

     My eyes widened and I pulled back. I clammered to my feet and tried to make my way to the window, but Luke grabbed my arm gently and pulled me into his arms before I could make it.

     "Don't..." The word came out strained and when I looked into his eyes, they had turned to his wolf's deep grey. I blinked, surprised. What did I do?

     After a moment, he closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. I could practically see him trying to calm his wolf, and this fueled my worry. When he did open his eyes, they were back to their normal blue to meet my fear-stricken gaze. 

     "Did I do something wrong?" I asked, timid and scared. He tilted his head as a look of disbelief and confusion crossed his face. 

     "No, no. Not at all. It's me. I'm still... adjusting." He struggled to get out, tightening his grip on me. 

     "Adjusting to what?" I asked. He smiled at my curiousity. 

     "To protecting you. It seems everything else completely leaves my mind when the thought of you," he paused, cringing. "Of you hurt, comes to mind." 

     I smiled, though my cheeks reddened. "Can see them, though? I just want to know if they are truly out there." I pleaded, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in. He immediately responded by wrapping his own around my waist and tightening them, so I was flush with his muscular chest. He was tense. 

     He whimpered as he debated with himself. He wanted me safe, but he also wanted to please me. Those were the two things he lived for, and at this moment, they were opposing each other. 

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