Chapter One

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     My bags were packed last night, and I put them in my silver 2004 stationwagon trunk under the cloak of dawn. It was early May, on the beginning of my birthday of the 3rd. School had luckily just let out, and I had just recieved my diploma a few days before. I didn't bother telling anyone I was leaving or even leave a note. They already knew I would be gone before the sun rises. They would want me to be. 

       For once in my life, I awoke with a smile blooming across my face. I had the world at my hands and I fully intended to use it. No more would I take the verbal abuse from the pack, from my family. I didn't belong here and now I can go find out where I do.

      I climbed in the drivers seat, pulling my dirty blonde hair into a ponytail, and didn't hesitate to start the engine. I felt no second thoughts as I began the drive. I made a deal with my childhood friend Kristen Green, who I met in secret for the past 4 years while she was visiting from her own pack. She would gain clearance for me to stay with her at her pack territory until I earned enough money to support myself and then I was free to go where ever I wished. That was what I was waiting for. Freedom. 

       The drive seemed short, but spirited. I couldn't fight the smile from my face. 

      I pulled up to her house just after eight o'clock. A moment of doubt filled my mind. What if she didn't keep her promise? What if her Alpha refused clearance? 

       I pushed those thoughts away. From what she has told me, her pack was a forgiving one. Their older Alpha had been through war and heartbreak as he lost his second oldest son in battle. He would never cause intentional inconvience for someone. 

       With that thought in mind, I trudged out of my car and up to her door. I knocked three times, and waited by the door. 

       Soon, I was greeted by her smiling face, still in her fuzzy pajama's and slippers. Her dark brown hair was thrown up in a messy bun and her brown eyes had the remains of some smeared mascara from the day before. But, I didn't care. She was smiling, which is always a good sign, and I was smiling, too. 

       "Hope it wasn't a hassle to get here." She stated with her slight country drawl. I shook my head quickly. 

       "No, no. I was just happy to get out of there!" I exclaimed, grinning. She ushered me inside her family's pristine two story home, leading me to the couch in the front foyer. She gave me a sad smile, before jumping up from her chair. 

       "I'll go get the hot chocolate!" She ran through the hall and bounced back, with a tray with two mugs on it. "I was going to bake a cake for your 'Coming Home' party, but I didn't have all the ingredients and my mom probably wouldn't enjoy me burning the house down." She was always a bubbly person, jumping from one thing to the next. 

       I laughed, grabbing the cup and bringing it to my lips. "Yeah, probably not!" 

       "We could still bake it later, though!" She announced, already bubbling with excitement. 

       I let out a single laugh. "Double the chance of the house burning down!" She laughed, flopping down on the couch beside me.

       "What's this I hear about my house burning down?" A sleepy voice, light and airy, sounded from the staircase. Worry filled me, quick and sudden. What if her parents weren't as open minded as Kristen?

       "Mom! Anna just arrived!" Kristen shouted. A laugh soon followed, though this one was deep and masculine. 

       "No really? I never would've guessed!" Her father, I assumed, said, bounding down the stairs. 

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