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"Are the Water Time Council members ready to vote?" Buck asked.

"We are," Dad answered, nodding with the twelve men lining the long table. I was the only woman in the musty room, permitted to plead my case to this archaic club because of the blood that ran through my veins. I was there on desperate business: this vote would mean life or death for Max.

"Who will vote that we keep Water Time a secret as our forefathers wanted, to endure whatever mental and physical pain this may cause us for the greater good of our society?" Several slithering hands cast shadows from the firelight on the cave-like walls.

"And who dares vote to take our society into uncharted territory and reveal our secrets to save the larger world from its destruction and therefore our own." I counted the few rising palms and prayed there would be enough.
Author's Note: Thanks to all the support on Wattpad, Hot Pressed, the first water-time mystery, is being published as an eBook! Be sure to get your copy in Kindle Unlimited.

Here is the sequel in the works so that you can follow Star's further adventures in water time. I'll post updates as they are completed so that you'll be the first to read them so please hit that Star for Star and share your thoughts here. I'll be dedicating chapters to Wattpad authors and readers this fall so please stay tuned for that and giveaways too...

Have an epic day!


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