3... 2... 1... FIGHT!

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A/N: Major Trigger Warning

If you didn't read the tags which you always should, there is a pretty big blood warning on this! Soo if you're not cool with it please go now! I warned you.

Mint Choco jumped to the side, dodging the boar's attack. Latte held her staff in front of her in an attempt to block herself from as much of the damage as physically possible. Milk cookie slammed into the side of the boar, staggering the creature slightly.

Madeleine blocked one of the werehounds and slammed his sword against the side of it, making it cry out and jump back.

"This REALLY doesn't look good!" he called out while slamming into another choco werehound.

Espresso scoffed, floating slightly into the air as he readied his spell. "Well thank you, mister obvious. If you don't say that I might have forgotten to cast my spell!" he said sarcastically. Latte groaned, firing her spell right in the middle of the pack of the werehounds.

"Can you two loverboys not argue right now? We are literally surrounded."

Before either of them could reply, Espresso cried out as a werehound grabbed him by the shoulder and flung him against a tree. Madeleine yelped in surprise, rushing to the choco hound attacking him. He sliced across the monster's back making it drop the mage. He used his shield to stagger the cake monster and stabbed his sword into its leg, pinning it to the ground.

While dazed, Espresso used the moment to make a slight distance between the two and cast his spell at the pinned-down choco werehound. The creature crumbled after one last stab from Madeleine who stood quickly, shaking off the jams and remains from his sword and shield.

He turned to check on his teammate but before he could speak he had to ready himself for the charging boar. Apparently, it was after him this time.

Espresso felt his body shake slightly, still feeling very out of breath after that attack. That damned animal knocked all air out of him. He turned his attention to their enemies - Latte was right. They were surrounded.

Mint Choco aimed his skill at Milk cookie, the defender needing the extra boost in speed for what he was doing. Milk cookie spun around, slamming the top edge of his shield onto the jaw of one of the choco hounds. The werehound stumbled back before tripping on a bit of the land, falling right on its back.

Milk cookie didn't hesitate even for a second. He jumped on the laying choco monster and slammed the bottom of his shield into its chest, making it wheeze in pain. He took his staff and rammed it against its head, making it crumble more and more with each hit.

Whenever another hound tried to knock off Milk cookie either Mint Choco or Latte Cookie distracted them with a spell or an attack.

Madeleine kept the boar's attention to himself, being used to aggroing monsters for the sake of his teammates by now. Espresso cast an attack at the boar, pulling it back as some of his magic bullets slammed into it effectively. Madeleine took that chance and stabbed it with his sword, finally making the boar crumble.

They both looked at each other, a relieved smile forcing itself to both of their lips. Espresso quickly rolled his eyes and turned to the next werehound that was the closest to them, still trying to keep up his serious attire.

Madeleine chuckled and charged at the monster Latte and Mint Choco were fighting. A small pack of cake hounds ran at them, seemingly coming out of nowhere. What is up with this damned forest?!

"How many are there?!" He called out to Mint.

"About..." he paused, sending out a stronger attack at the werehound, crumbling a couple of the cake hounds in the process as well. "Eight more werehounds. The cake hounds seem to keep appearing out of thin air though so keep your eye out for those at all times." Madeleine nodded and stepped aside to defend Latte from a magic bullet.

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