Chapter 20- "Never know what's in your browsing history."

Start from the beginning

Walking up to the house with balloons, kids running around and normal child's party, walking into the house well getting dragged by Clare "happy birthday Jenjen!" Clare grins giving the I'm guess birthday girl her present. I love how Clare thinks of nicknames for everyone if she likes you, that's the big give away for Clare she'll give you a nickname if she likes you.

"Thank you!!" 'Jenjen' grins hugging Clare those to start talking, giggling and smiling while I'm stood here glancing around the room.

This would be so much fun if I wasn't sixteen... Awe a bouncy castle!!

I wanna bounce on the bouncy castle.

Then I freeze in fear looking at 'it'

"C...C...Cla-re t-t-there's a...a...a... C-c-clown" I stutter tapping Clare's shoulder several times "yeah?" She asks not seeing the point.

Crap! She don't know!

"I-I-I...J-just gun-na g...g...go o-outside" I gulp clare shrugs with a nod walking fast out the door away from the... Clown...

Taking deep breaths pulling my phone out, texting josh 'there's a clown.' Pressing send and biting my nails.


Okay so the whole clown thing started when I was seven. Josh, Nath and I thought we'd be all 'hard' and 'big' one night and watched a horror film without our parents knowing. And in this horror film there was a clown.

That's just what started it...

I got freaked out, josh and Nath knew this! So they thought they would dress up as clowns. Just for a laugh not knowing how much it would scar me.

Went to sleep one night and something grabbed my leg, doing what anyone seven year old would do I freak out in fear and fall off the bed hiding under my bed for safety to find out theres a clown (josh but didn't know that at the time) it wasn't a nice friendly clown that you see at kids birthday party's, nooo its was horror film clown outfit.

Screaming I crawl out from the bed with the clown grabbing my hands and feet trying to pull me back in, I run to hide in my wardrobe. Thinking I was safe.

Nope another clown was sat in there (Nathan) I scream again tears streaming down my face running into my mum and dads room.

Then Nath and josh got told off, I refused to go back into that bedroom so my parents made josh switch rooms with me since it was all his fault (meaning I got the big room, one upside) and I didn't sleep for weeks and weeks.

So I have coulrophobia a fear of clowns, irrational fear.

All because of a prank, though I don't really blame Nath and josh well it is there fault but they didn't know it would turn into a genuine fear.

Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, jumping and shakily taking it out looking at the text 'crap. I'll come get you and I'll stay with Clare. Sorry bella' taking a deep breath walking back into the house to tell Clare to see the clown in the room with Clare. Coving my mouth with my hand to stop me from screaming I run out and bump into...a...a...a


Painted face. 

Colourful clothes. 

Bit shoes. 

Red rose. 

Puffy wig.

Worse nightmare,

Falling on the floor with thud.

"Sorry little lady" they clown chuckles holding his hand out to help me up I stare at him in fear, shaking, shuffling back away from it shaking my head slowly once in a save distance away, then shakily standing up and running out the house.

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