Chapter Two- Date

Start from the beginning

 "Woo Hoo I'm free baby free!" Ron started laughing and I actually completely forgot he was in the car with me.

 "Sorry." I started blushing. Good thing he had to look at the road so he couldn't see me. To get to Starbucks we had to drive along the river. It was so beautiful and peaceful. 

 "It’s okay. I have never seen anybody so excited to be in a convertible before."

 He pulled into the parking lot and I could feel my nerves getting worse. We got out of the car and walked into Starbucks. "Welcome to Starbucks. How can I help you?" The cashier said as if he's said it four thousand times today. When I looked up I found out that it was Ryan. I never knew he worked at Starbucks. He has never been here when I was here, and I was here all the time.

 "Hi can I have a tall vanilla caramel iced coffee and also a... what do you want James? Get anything  you want my treat.”

 "Make that two vanilla caramel iced coffees and can I have a rice crispy too please."

 "Yeah sure." Ryan said. He looked at me and I could tell he was staring and it was just really weird and really hot at the same time. "Okay it comes out to ten thirty seven."

 I went to go get out my wallet for a five when Ron said "Stop I got it." I smiled a little bit and got really happy. Maybe going on dates was a really good thing. I got free Starbucks which was a plus.

 "Thanks." We went to go sit down in the bean bag chairs in the back outdoor part of Starbucks. It over looked  the river and there were birds chirping and ducks sitting on the water. The sky was prefectly clear so you could see the mountain side. I have always wanted a house up there in the mountains. I would love to be all by myself with the wilderness all around. I say that now but I know if I ever moved there I would be scared for my life. "So do you do any sports?" I asked breaking the non awkward peaceful silence.

 "No, but I think that I'm going to do track this summer. I need something to get me into shape."

 "You... get in shape? You look fine just the way you are." He really did though. He wasn't too big and strong but he was toned almost perfectly. His arms were a normal size and it looked like his stomach was toned because he wore tight fitting shirts.

 "Yeah but I want to get more stamina. I can't run at all. I can only do really short distances and I get tired really fast. You do track right?" I didn't have my full attention dedicated to Ron because I could tell that Ryan was looking at me and it was like he was staring a hole into my back.

 "I see what you're saying, and yes I have done track since my first year of middle school. It's pretty much my entire life."

 "That's cool. So that means I would get to see you every day right?"

 I smirked a little bit and said "Yeah that would be pretty awesome."

 A waiter came over and I was really thankful it wasn't Ryan "Here are your orders." Then she sat the tray on the little table "Enjoy!"

 I started drinking my iced coffee and was so happy. It made me feel amazing inside. I could feel my nerves calm down, or maybe they froze. I then went to my rice crispy and it was still warm and I felt like I was in heaven. "This is one of the best dates I have ever been on. But is also the first one I have ever been on."

 "Thanks I strive to impress. This is really your first date though? "

 "Yes this is my first date. I have never had anybody to ask out."

 "Well I'm happy I was the first to pick you because I wouldn't want anyone else to have you since you seem like an awesome guy." That was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me that wasn't one of my best friends.

 "Why do you like me of all people?" I don't think I should've asked that question it was really random and as soon as I asked it I felt like everything would get really awkward. But gladly it didn't.

 "Well you're not like everyone else. You have been getting bullied for a really long time and I have always wanted to say something but I didn't know how you would react. I see you in the hall all the time and I just imagine us holding hands. I could never build up the courage to ask you out though because we come from two different worlds in the school universe."

 "That's so sweet." I was feeling all happy inside. I felt like I was going to just jump out of my bean bag and kiss him. I didn't know what came after that but I guessed that it was me telling him why I liked him. "Well I like you because your nice to everyone, you never bully anyone either. You are so cute and I secretly watched you in Spanish last year and every time that we did partnered work I wanted to ask you to work with me, but I just never knew what you would say. But now I know that you would have said yes."

 "Wow, so we could've been dating a long time ago if we both weren't cowards."

 We both laughed a little " Yeah, we could've been together. But now is better than never."

 "Well I guess since we are together now that's all that matters."

 "Thanks to me." I said with a smirk and I made him laugh. That made me so happy.

 Once we finished eating we left. He opened the door for me in Starbucks and at the car. He drove me home and neither of us talked except for the occasional singing. Once we got to my house I didn't want the date to be over. I wanted it to go on all night and to never end. "Thanks. I had a lot of fun tonight."

 "Me too. I can't wait to see you tomorrow." He said in his really nice deep voice. He had like a perfect voice. You would never know that he was gay if he had never come out to anyone.

 "Me neither. See you tomorrow."

 "Bye." I walked up the drive way and he waited for me to get inside before he drove off. Everyone in the house was already asleep so I took a shower then went to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about how amazing that date was. When I saw him at school the next day I was going to be so happy.

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