~Halloween party~

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You could only sleep for about 2 hours last night so you stayed up all night so you where bored and decided to make breakfast for everyone you made pancakes,eggs,hashbrowns and bacon when your mother woke up she seemed happy that you made food for everyone after everyone got up and ate you hurried back to your room to get ready for the day (Your fit for today)

You still had an hour before school started so you read a few chapter of your book you didn't realize how much time had passed when your mom called for you and your brother to go "bye mom" you both said at the same time "bye you two!" In the car r...

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You still had an hour before school started so you read a few chapter of your book you didn't realize how much time had passed when your mom called for you and your brother to go "bye mom" you both said at the same time "bye you two!" In the car ride you asked James what he would be for Halloween he said "me and the boys plan on being the Ghostbusters for Halloween!" "That's cool!" You where so glad James was making friends "what do you plan on being?" James asked "I'm not really sure about that" "you should be a cat I'm pretty sure you still have that costume somewhere right?" "Oh yeah! But that costume is kinda...slutty..." "I can help u make it look...less revealing after school!" "Oh thanks james!" You ruffle his hair as you pull up to school you give him a hug before walking into school as you enter you get an invitation to a Halloween party

You consider going cause you don't wanna be stuck trick-or-treating with your brother and his lame friends "hey y/n!" You hear as Nancy comes up to you "oh hi nance" "your going right Y/N" " if it's  better than being stuck with your younger broth...

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You consider going cause you don't wanna be stuck trick-or-treating with your brother and his lame friends "hey y/n!" You hear as Nancy comes up to you "oh hi nance" "your going right Y/N" " if it's better than being stuck with your younger brother and his lame friends than yes" Nancy laughs I notice a boy come up and talk to Nance and she gives him a invitation to the party and says "you have to be there Jonathan!" And they talk while I'm starting into nothingness "hey Y/N. You ok?" I snap back to reality "oh yeah I'm ok" we walk to Nancy's locker and Steve comes out of nowhere and lifts Nancy up while spinning her they kiss and I walk away Nancy looks at me with a worried face then back at steve I catch up with Jonathan and say "you like Nance ik the way you look at her your head over heals for her aren't you!?" "W-what no way she's just a friend..." "Sure buddy!" "Names Y/N by the way" "Jonathan" " I already knew that dumbo" the bell rang I said bye to Jonathan and went to first period where I sat next to steve... (time skip to class) "psst Y/N" I ignore him at first but then he keeps trying to get my attention so I finally decided to listen "what" "are you going to Tina's party?" "Yes why?" "Cause me and Nancy are going u wanna tag along with us?" You didn't wanna be the third weel but u said ok anyways you don't know why was it because steve was going do I like steve?...I thought for a moment nononono I couldn't like steve he's dating my close friend Nancy I could never! The bell rang and I was the first one to get out of the classroom you met Billy again you try to avoid him because you know he's nothing but trouble and just wants to get in your pants but you tan into him anyways "hey gorgeous why suck the rush?" "Leave me alone billy" "you going to that party?" "Yes but why do you care?" "Can't wait to see you princess~" you role your eyes and push him away then go find Nancy but ofc she's making out with Steve so you just walk away because you don't wanna see them being lovey dovie you find yourself in the bathroom questioning your choice of going to the party or not you think about it for a long time to wich the bell rings for next period which is math but you decide to skip and sit in the bathroom the whole period not knowing what to do you sit in silence as you hear the bathroom door swing open under the stall door you pull your legs up because you thought it was a teacher but "Y/N it's me steve if in here come out please..." you stand up and gently open the stall door "Why are you here steve?" "I just got worried about you..." "well im fine so you can go now!" You didn't want to talk to steve right now because you had developed a thing for him but seeing him with Nance hurt you so you didn't wanna talk to him "y/n please I know something is wrong I can tell" "Steve I'm fine just please leave me alone right now I'm just not in the mood" "ok if you say so..." he leaves bot wanting to upset you even more that you seemed to be after steve left you went back in the stall and cried thinking about what to do...you must've been in there for the whole period because the bell rang so you got up in a panic because a girl might see you so you get out and touch up your makeup and act like your ok you go to steve and Nance before going home "Omg Y/N where have you been?" Nancy said you mumble something before saying "oh It was nothing I just skipped class that's all" "Oh ok" Nance said.it was now time to go so I went to my car and waited for James to come to the car and while I was waiting Billy cane up to me and tried to touch you but thankfully max told him to come on and he left you felt relieved and gave max a face that said thank you the you got in the car with James and went home as you got home you found the costume and James helped you (like he said he would) "is that better y/n?" "Yes its perfect thanks james!" "Anytime! I was wondering if you could maybe take me and get me a Ghostbusters costume?" "Yeah I quess we both did eachother a favor" "yeah" he said,After getting the costume you went home and James was so excited he thanked you over and over (Time skip to the next day Halloween) James wore his silly costume to school ofc he would do that you went through another boring school day nothing happened that was exciting or shit so (*Yes another time skip sorry lol* Time skip to after school) "ok James stay with your friends and tell Jonathan if you need anything ok?" "ok ok ik now go have fun with your dumb teenage friends sis!" "ok ok bye and have fun!" "bye!" You arive at the party (this I'd the costume you are wearing)

it was now time to go so I went to my car and waited for James to come to the car and while I was waiting Billy cane up to me and tried to touch you but thankfully max told him to come on and he left you felt relieved and gave max a face that said...

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You see steve and Nancy and you go up to them "HEY GUYSSSS!" "Hey y/n! Love the costume" "thanks Nancy!" Steve just looks at you "hi Y/n nice costume" "thanks steve" you see the punch bowl and go up to it and get some and so does Nancy you both drink ALOT of it and steve tried to stop us "But we are just being stupid teenagers steve!" Nancey said as she continued to drink more we both tried to stop her but steve ended up spilling it all over Nancy she stormed off to the bathroom steve looked at you quickly then followed Nancy you didn't follow them because you weren't sure what to do but then billy grabbed my waist from behind "hey there princess~" "Billy go away I'm not I'm the mood" "awww why Kitten~" that's when I snapped you slaped him in the face and walked away then you saw steve pissed walk out of the house you followed "steve wait!"...

Authors note:
BRO I HAD TO STOP IT THERE I DID IT ON PURPOSE LMAO NOW YALL GOTTA WAIT U BOZOZ 😹👎nah ill try to work fast on the next chaper I promise but should I make the next chapter spicey or wait?anyways bye yall♡ have a great Day/Night

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